Picture: The Winners of the Falstaff Trophies 2019: Moritz Haidle, Weingut Karl Haidle, Gunter Hiestand, Weingut Hiestand, Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, Bernd Kreis, Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis, Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl (Photo: Falstaff)
For the nineth time, the Falstaff Trophies Deutschland were awarded. The wine/food/travel journal Falstaff has been around for a number of years, issued in Vienna, Austria, and reporting about wine, food and travel from an Austrian perspective, for Austria-based readers. Seven years ago, Falstaff expanded into the German wine and food scene and started to issue a German version of Falstaff in addition to the well established Austrian version. As part of its expansion, Falstaff has created the annual Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies, to be awarded to German wine personalities.
For previous years, see:
Best German Winemakers: Falstaff Wine Trophies 2018
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2017
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2016
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2015
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2014
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2013
Best German Wines and Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2012
Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2011
Picture: Falstaff WeinGuide Deutschland 2019
Falstaff Wine Tropies 2019: The Winners
Newcomer of the Year: Moritz Haidle, Weingut Karl Haidle, Württemberg
Picture: Wilhelm Weil, Weingut Weil, Moritz Haidle, Weingut Karl Haidle, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Sommelier of the Year: Bernd Kreis, Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis, Stuttgart
Picture: Markus Macziosek, Bernd Kreis, Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis, Stuttgart, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Winemaker of the Year: Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Pfalz
Picture: Markus Molitor, Weingut Molitor, Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Pfalz, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Publikumstrophy: 2017 Weingut Hiestand Guntersblum Gewürztraminer trocken
Picture: Ulrich Sautter, Gunter Hiestand, Weingut Hiestand Guntersblum, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Falstaff Trophy for Lifetime Achievement: Hanno Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar)
Piture: Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam, Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar), Gundula Gause ZDF (Photo: Falstaff)
Falstaff Newcomer of the Year: The Nominees
Jörn Goziewski
Falstaff/ CS Translation: Jörn Goziewski, born in 1981, grew up in Erfurt and did not drink any alcohol until he was 18 years old. But then the wine virus seized him: internship in the Rheingau, studies in Geisenheim, stays in South Tyrol, Spain and New Zealand. Goziewski started his own business in 2015 and has been fermenting all the grapes on the mash since 2016. But also Orange Wine, so Goziewski's credo, should "show maximum delicacy in all its density and complexity".
Moritz Haidle
Falstaff/ CS Translation: From early on in his life Moritz Haidle had to work in the vineyard at home, he says, but at that time preferred to spray graffiti and dream of working as a designer. It was not until he completed an internship with Paul Fürst that he understood the "fascination of wine". After studying in Australia, California, Burgundy and Baden, she studied in Geisenheim. And today? Haidle is surprising people with his uncompromising wines.
Pictures: Vineyard Walk, Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Karl Haidle in Kernen-Stetten, Württemberg, with Moritz Haidle - Germany-East Tour 2018 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture, History - Berlin, Saale-Unstrut, Sachsen, Württemberg, Franken
Jonas Seckinger
Falstaff/ CS Translation: In the Mittelhaardt in the Pfalz, the big names dominate the sector - but here too there are ambitious family businesses and in particular ambitious young winemakers. Like Weingut Seckinger and the 26-year-old Jonas Seckinger. Jonas Seckinger made his first wine at the age of 17, initially experimenting with an old wooden jar in his parents' garage. In the meantime he is a professional - and with great success in search of the "cool Palatine style".
Falstaff Sommelier of the Year: The Nominees
Iris Giessauf, »Gasthaus Essers«, Köln
Benjamin Birkholz, »Restaurant JM«, Westerland/Sylt
Bernd Kreis, »Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis«, Stuttgart
Falstaff Winemaker of the Year: The Nominees
Fritz Waßmer, Weingut Fritz Waßmer, Schlatt (Baden)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: Exactly 20 years ago, in 1998, Fritz Waßmer, at that time successful asparagus farmer, began to turn to wine. Waßmer quickly gained reputation for his powerful wines. His passion was and is the Burgundy grape varieties. It is because of them why he was nominated: Waßmer has been writing a new chapter in Baden's Pinot Noir history, above all with his new single-vineyard and single-plot Pinot Noirs.
Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Deidesheim (Pfalz)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The native Alsatian was Chef de Cave at the champagne house Bollinger when Achim Niederberger brought him to the Pfalz and to Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl. Since Kauffmann's first vintage in 2013, he and his still and sparkling wines have been talked about a lot among the German wine lovers. With a steady hand and great skill Kauffmann brings out the the terroir character of the Forster and Deidesheimer top vineyards. His still Rieslings are just as exciting as his sparkling Rieslings.
Pictures: Impressive Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl in Deidesheim, Pfalz, with Richard Grosche - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen
Dr. Matthias Corvers, Weingut Corvers-Kauter, Oestrich-Winkel (Rheingau)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The Corvers and Kauter families both look back on more than 200 years of winemaking tradition. More important for Owner Dr. Matthias Corvers is hower the look ahead. So he not only leaves much responsibility to his son Philip, but he could now also lease the vineyards of Weingut Langwerth von Simmern. While Corvers-Kauter has been on the upswing for years now, there is more prestige coming with the new vineyards including Marcobrunn and Baiken.
Falstaff Wine Favorite: The Nominees
Weingut Hiestand, 2017 Guntersblum Gewürztraminer trocken
Weingut Zehnthof Weickert, 2017 Astheim Karthäuser Scheurebe trocken
Weingut Herbert Meßmer, 2017 Gelber Muskateller feinherb
Falstaff Lifetime Achievement Trophy: Hanno Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The historic winery of the Prussian forestry master Geltz can look back on a family tradition until 1742. But the times did not make it easy for the tenth generation in the Saarburg winery to continue this tradition. The estate has always been known for its natural (naturrein) fruity-sweet Riesling wines, for Kabinet, Spätlese, Auslese, and for noble sweet predicates. However, as fashion swirled more and more into dry Riesling during the 1990s, Hans-Joachim - called "Hanno" - Zilliken needed a long breath to weather this slump. To move against his conviction to a dry style with the wines from the best vineyards of Saarburg and Ockfen was not an option for Zilliken. But look: In the course of the 1990s enthusiasm for the unique acidity/ sweetness play game of fruity-sweet Saar-Riesling wines returned. Zilliken had overcome the difficult period. dry spell. Today, his fabulously maturing wines from the past three decades are among the most sought after wines of the collectors' market.
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Hanno Zilliken at the 2015 Rieslingfeier in New York. See: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2015, USA
Picture: Christian Schiller and Hanno Zilliken at Rasika in Washington DC. See: German Wine Dinner with Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, at Rasika in Washington DC, USA
schiller-wine: Related Postings
UPCOMING Tours/ Wine Dinners/ Tastings - Annette and Christian Schiller/ ombiasyPR & WineTours/ schiller-wine, Germany, France, USA (Issued: April 1, 2019)
Announcement: ombiasy WineTours in 2019 - Germany-North and Bordeaux
Ombiasy Wine Tours 2018: 3 x France and 3 x Germany - Ombiasy Newsletter December 2017
Vineyard Walk, Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Karl Haidle in Kernen-Stetten, Württemberg, with Moritz Haidle - Germany-East Tour 2018 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture, History - Berlin, Saale-Unstrut, Sachsen, Württemberg, Franken
Impressive Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl in Deidesheim, Pfalz, with Richard Grosche - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen
Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2015, USA
German Wine Dinner with Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, at Rasika in Washington DC, USA
For the nineth time, the Falstaff Trophies Deutschland were awarded. The wine/food/travel journal Falstaff has been around for a number of years, issued in Vienna, Austria, and reporting about wine, food and travel from an Austrian perspective, for Austria-based readers. Seven years ago, Falstaff expanded into the German wine and food scene and started to issue a German version of Falstaff in addition to the well established Austrian version. As part of its expansion, Falstaff has created the annual Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies, to be awarded to German wine personalities.
For previous years, see:
Best German Winemakers: Falstaff Wine Trophies 2018
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2017
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2016
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2015
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2014
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2013
Best German Wines and Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2012
Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2011
Picture: Falstaff WeinGuide Deutschland 2019
Falstaff Wine Tropies 2019: The Winners
Newcomer of the Year: Moritz Haidle, Weingut Karl Haidle, Württemberg
Picture: Wilhelm Weil, Weingut Weil, Moritz Haidle, Weingut Karl Haidle, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Sommelier of the Year: Bernd Kreis, Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis, Stuttgart
Picture: Markus Macziosek, Bernd Kreis, Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis, Stuttgart, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Winemaker of the Year: Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Pfalz
Picture: Markus Molitor, Weingut Molitor, Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Pfalz, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Publikumstrophy: 2017 Weingut Hiestand Guntersblum Gewürztraminer trocken
Picture: Ulrich Sautter, Gunter Hiestand, Weingut Hiestand Guntersblum, Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam (Photo: Falstaff)
Falstaff Trophy for Lifetime Achievement: Hanno Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar)
Piture: Falstaff Publisher Wolfgang Rosam, Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar), Gundula Gause ZDF (Photo: Falstaff)
Falstaff Newcomer of the Year: The Nominees
Jörn Goziewski
Falstaff/ CS Translation: Jörn Goziewski, born in 1981, grew up in Erfurt and did not drink any alcohol until he was 18 years old. But then the wine virus seized him: internship in the Rheingau, studies in Geisenheim, stays in South Tyrol, Spain and New Zealand. Goziewski started his own business in 2015 and has been fermenting all the grapes on the mash since 2016. But also Orange Wine, so Goziewski's credo, should "show maximum delicacy in all its density and complexity".
Moritz Haidle
Falstaff/ CS Translation: From early on in his life Moritz Haidle had to work in the vineyard at home, he says, but at that time preferred to spray graffiti and dream of working as a designer. It was not until he completed an internship with Paul Fürst that he understood the "fascination of wine". After studying in Australia, California, Burgundy and Baden, she studied in Geisenheim. And today? Haidle is surprising people with his uncompromising wines.
Pictures: Vineyard Walk, Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Karl Haidle in Kernen-Stetten, Württemberg, with Moritz Haidle - Germany-East Tour 2018 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture, History - Berlin, Saale-Unstrut, Sachsen, Württemberg, Franken
Jonas Seckinger
Falstaff/ CS Translation: In the Mittelhaardt in the Pfalz, the big names dominate the sector - but here too there are ambitious family businesses and in particular ambitious young winemakers. Like Weingut Seckinger and the 26-year-old Jonas Seckinger. Jonas Seckinger made his first wine at the age of 17, initially experimenting with an old wooden jar in his parents' garage. In the meantime he is a professional - and with great success in search of the "cool Palatine style".
Falstaff Sommelier of the Year: The Nominees
Iris Giessauf, »Gasthaus Essers«, Köln
Benjamin Birkholz, »Restaurant JM«, Westerland/Sylt
Bernd Kreis, »Weinhandlung Bernd Kreis«, Stuttgart
Falstaff Winemaker of the Year: The Nominees
Fritz Waßmer, Weingut Fritz Waßmer, Schlatt (Baden)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: Exactly 20 years ago, in 1998, Fritz Waßmer, at that time successful asparagus farmer, began to turn to wine. Waßmer quickly gained reputation for his powerful wines. His passion was and is the Burgundy grape varieties. It is because of them why he was nominated: Waßmer has been writing a new chapter in Baden's Pinot Noir history, above all with his new single-vineyard and single-plot Pinot Noirs.
Mathieu Kauffmann, Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Deidesheim (Pfalz)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The native Alsatian was Chef de Cave at the champagne house Bollinger when Achim Niederberger brought him to the Pfalz and to Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl. Since Kauffmann's first vintage in 2013, he and his still and sparkling wines have been talked about a lot among the German wine lovers. With a steady hand and great skill Kauffmann brings out the the terroir character of the Forster and Deidesheimer top vineyards. His still Rieslings are just as exciting as his sparkling Rieslings.
Pictures: Impressive Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl in Deidesheim, Pfalz, with Richard Grosche - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen
Dr. Matthias Corvers, Weingut Corvers-Kauter, Oestrich-Winkel (Rheingau)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The Corvers and Kauter families both look back on more than 200 years of winemaking tradition. More important for Owner Dr. Matthias Corvers is hower the look ahead. So he not only leaves much responsibility to his son Philip, but he could now also lease the vineyards of Weingut Langwerth von Simmern. While Corvers-Kauter has been on the upswing for years now, there is more prestige coming with the new vineyards including Marcobrunn and Baiken.
Falstaff Wine Favorite: The Nominees
Weingut Hiestand, 2017 Guntersblum Gewürztraminer trocken
Weingut Zehnthof Weickert, 2017 Astheim Karthäuser Scheurebe trocken
Weingut Herbert Meßmer, 2017 Gelber Muskateller feinherb
Falstaff Lifetime Achievement Trophy: Hanno Zilliken, Saarburg (Saar)
Falstaff/ CS Translation: The historic winery of the Prussian forestry master Geltz can look back on a family tradition until 1742. But the times did not make it easy for the tenth generation in the Saarburg winery to continue this tradition. The estate has always been known for its natural (naturrein) fruity-sweet Riesling wines, for Kabinet, Spätlese, Auslese, and for noble sweet predicates. However, as fashion swirled more and more into dry Riesling during the 1990s, Hans-Joachim - called "Hanno" - Zilliken needed a long breath to weather this slump. To move against his conviction to a dry style with the wines from the best vineyards of Saarburg and Ockfen was not an option for Zilliken. But look: In the course of the 1990s enthusiasm for the unique acidity/ sweetness play game of fruity-sweet Saar-Riesling wines returned. Zilliken had overcome the difficult period. dry spell. Today, his fabulously maturing wines from the past three decades are among the most sought after wines of the collectors' market.
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Hanno Zilliken at the 2015 Rieslingfeier in New York. See: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2015, USA
Picture: Christian Schiller and Hanno Zilliken at Rasika in Washington DC. See: German Wine Dinner with Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, at Rasika in Washington DC, USA
schiller-wine: Related Postings
UPCOMING Tours/ Wine Dinners/ Tastings - Annette and Christian Schiller/ ombiasyPR & WineTours/ schiller-wine, Germany, France, USA (Issued: April 1, 2019)
Announcement: ombiasy WineTours in 2019 - Germany-North and Bordeaux
Ombiasy Wine Tours 2018: 3 x France and 3 x Germany - Ombiasy Newsletter December 2017
Vineyard Walk, Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Karl Haidle in Kernen-Stetten, Württemberg, with Moritz Haidle - Germany-East Tour 2018 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture, History - Berlin, Saale-Unstrut, Sachsen, Württemberg, Franken
Impressive Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl in Deidesheim, Pfalz, with Richard Grosche - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen
Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2015, USA
German Wine Dinner with Hanno Zilliken, Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken, at Rasika in Washington DC, USA