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Hattenheim/ Rheingau: Lunch in 3 Restaurants with 3 Winemakers and 3 Chefs: Adlerwirtschaft and Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, Zum Krug and Wein- und Sektgut Barth, Kronenschlösschen and Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Germany

Picture: Annette Schiller, ombiasyPR and WineTours, with Urban Kaufmann, Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, at Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Picture: Christian Schiller with Chef Franz Keller, Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Picture: Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Picture: Christian Schiller with Mark Barth, Wein- und Sektgut Barth, Hattenheim

Picture: Chef Josef Laufer, Zum Krug, Hattenheim

Picture: Zum Krug, Hattenheim

Picture: Peter Winter, Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Hattenheim

Picture: Christian Schiller with Chef Simon Stirnal, Kronenschlösschen, Hattenheim

Picture: Kronenschlösschen, Hattenheim

Within 100 meters or so there are 3 outstanding restaurants in Hattenheim in the Rheingau: Adlerwirtschaft, Zum Krug and Kronenschlösschen. The latter had one star in the Michelin Guide for many years, but lost it last year. These 3 restaurants teamed up with 3 of the I would say 5 world class winemakers in Hattenheim for a joint lunch: Weingut Barth, Weingut Georg Müller Siftung and Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann.

The lunch started at 11:30 am and ended at 4:00 pm. Mark Barth of Wein- und Sektgut Barth, Eva Raps and Urban Kaufmann of Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann and Peter Winter of Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung came along on this gourmet trip. The chefs of the 3 restaurants greated us togather at the beginning of the tour and were of course present when we visited the respective restaurants.

The lunch started at the Adlerwirtschaft with 3 Amuses Gueules prepared by the 3 chefs, 2 courses prepared by Chef Franz Keller and 3 wines of Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann: Riesling Sekt Brut, 2015 Hattenheimer Riesling und 2012 Hattenheim Wisselbrunnen GG, presented by Owner/ Winemaker Urban Kaufmann.

This was followed by 2 courses at Zum Krug with 2 sparklers of Wein- und Sektgut Barth: 2011 Hattenheim HASSEL Riesling Brut VDP. Grosse Lage  and 2011 „ULTRA“ Pinot Brut Natur begleitet.

The journey ended in the Kronenschlösschen with a meat course and the dessert. Peter Winter poured 2007 „Daniel“ Spätburgunder (Magnum) and 2013 Hattenheim Wisselbrunnen Riesling Spätlese.

The Rheingau

It is remarkable: For its entire length of nearly 560 miles, the Rhine flows north with one exception – a 28-mile stretch where the river changes its course. Here, it flows to the west, thereby enabling both the river and the vineyards facing it to bask in the warmth of the sun all day long. This is the Rheingau, one of the medium-size German wine regions. It is a quietly beautiful region, rich in tradition. Queen Victoria's enthusiasm for Hochheim's wines contributed to their popularity in England, where they, and ultimately, Rhine wines in general, were referred to as Hock.

 Picture: The Rheingau

The third President of the USA - and notable bon viveur - Thomas Jefferson visited the Rheingau in 1788 and wrote that the wine of the "Abbaye of Johnsberg is the best made on the Rhine without comparison … That of the year 1775 is the best." He also referred to the Rheingau’s Riesling as the "small and delicate Rhysslin which grows only from Hochheim to Rudesheim". Impressed by the quality of the Rheingau Riesling wines, he bought 100 grapevines to take back to his estate in Virginia.

The Rheingau enjoys a distinctly continental climate with cold winters and warm, but not hot, summers. The Rheingau is dominated by Riesling, accounting for 4/5 of the vineyard area. Wilhelm Weil, our host, produces only Riesling wines.

See also:
VDP.Rheingau Rhine River Boat Trip with Pre-release Presentation of the 2015 Grosses Gewächs (GG) Wines
The Rheingau and its Terroirs: Tasting with Rheingau’s Elite Winemakers, Germany
Extraordinary Views of the Rheingau Vineyards - A Spectecular Helicopter Flight over the Rheingau with Rheingau Winemakers, Germany
1st International Riesling Symposium, Rheingau, Germany
The 2nd International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany

Hattenheim in the Rheingau

Although it is a small community, Hattenheim is a very important historical town in the Rheingau region. This town owns one of the most beautiful wine-tasting booths at the river shore in this area; it had already been mentioned in the year 954.

Wine-growing in Hattenheim has tradition, thanks to its proximity to the wine-growing monastery of Eberbach. It is certified in a wine-growing document shown in a book of the "Schroederbrudergemeinschaft" from 1442. This "brother's community" was in charge of carring the heavy wine barrels out of the cellars and load them in the ships on the river shore.

The city center at the marketplace with the venerable old City Hall and beautiful half-timbered houses gracefully decorate the small paved alleys. One of its architectural treasures is the Hattenheimer Fortress, which was built in 1100 by the Lord of Hattenheim and is since 1462 in possesion of the Baron Langwerth of Simmern. In the 1970's its almost destroyed roomtower was reconstructed by the Association of Fortresses and Improvement in over 20.000 hours of voluntary work. Nowadays the fortress is open to different wine festivities and other activities the whole year through.

Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann

Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann was founded in 1953, in the post World War II era. Johann Maximilian Lang, son of the founder, converted the winery to organic viticulture and became member of the Ecovin Association for Organic Viticulture in 2012. Dry wines have a long tradition at the estate and account for 90% of the portfolio. Recently. Weingut Hans Lang -Kaufmann was sold. Eva Raps, the former Managing Director of the VDP, the association of about 200 German elite winemakers, and her partner in life, Urban Kaufmann, a cheese producer from Switzerland, are the new owners.

See: Family-style Wine-pairing Lunch at Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, with Owners/ Winemakers Urban Kaufmann and Eva Raps - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours

Pictures: Family-style Wine-pairing Lunch at Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, with Owners/ Winemakers Urban Kaufmann and Eva Raps - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours

Wein- und Sektgut Barth

The Wine and Sekt Estate Barth was founded in 1948 by the father of Norbert Barth, the current owner. Besides excellent wines, from early on Barth produced sparkling wines – Sekt – and in 1992 a Sekt manufactury was completed to be able to produce the Sekts entirely at the premises. All Sekts are bottle fermented in the méthod traditionelle starting with base wine production, subsequent bottling, bottle fermentation, hand-riddling, and disgorging. All Sekts remain on the lease between 24 and 36 months. In 2010 Barth released the first ever German sparkler made from a Premier Cru base wine. The novelty was named Barth Primus, and put Barth on the map for the serious Sekt lover.

Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Barth Primus is Germany's First Sekt Made with an Erstes Gewaechs Base Wine

Pictures: Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung 

Georg Müller, the co-owner of the famous Eltville sparkling wine cellar, Matheus Müller, established the estate towards the end of the 19th century. In 1913, he donated the estate to his home community of Hattenheim: with the stipulation to use the profits for the benefit of the needy in the community. Thus, the Wine Estate became the Georg Müller Stiftung, owned and run by the local government.

Pictures: Christian G.E. Schiller and Peter Winter at Weingut Georg Mueller Stiftung

Things changed dramatically in 2003, when the local government decided to privatize the estate, which had produced good wines until the 1970s, but since then had deteriorated. Peter Winter purchased the Estate and – after many decades of a “Dornroeschenschlaf” - revived it, obviously with sizable financial investments and his enthusiasm and dynamism. Part of the credit also goes to Alf Ewald, the energetic young winemaker, he hired.

Peter Winter

When you spent an afternoon at Peter Winter’s Weingut Georg Mueller Stiftung in Hattenheim in the Rheingau, you are a bit reminded of Donald Hess. Donald Hess and Peter Winter appear to be on the same journey, that of wine and art.

Picture: Peter Winter, Annette Schiller and Madeleine Jakits, Editor-in-chief of the leading German Food and Wine Journal Der Feinschmecker, in Berlin at the 100th Birthday of the VDP. See also: A Grand Ceremony in the Berlin Cathedral on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the VDP - the Elite Winemakers of Germany

Peter Winter’s journey started in 2003, when he purchased the Weingut Georg Mueller Stiftung. Before that turning point in life, Peter Winter was for over 40 years in various key positions in the German wine industry. Importantly, for 18 years he was the Chairman of the Board of one of the ten largest wine companies worldwide. He is also President of the German Wine Exporter Association and teaches at the University of Geisenheim.

A Painted Winetasting at Weingut Georg Mueller Stiftung in Hattenheim (Eltville), Rheingau, Germany
A Combination of Extraordinary Wine and Art: Peter Winter's Georg Mueller Stiftung Estate in Germany

Lunch in Hattenheim: Amuses Gueules, First and Second Course at Adlerwirtschaft

Picture: Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Amuses Gueules

Geschmorte Corona Bohnen mit Artischocken und Parmesan (Adlerwirtschaft)

Unser Handkäse-Käsekuchen mit Spreewälder Honiggurken/ Senfkorn-Sauerkirschen/ Kümmel-Chips (Zum Krug)

Ochsenschanzpralinen mit Waldorfsalat (Kronenschlösschen)

NV Rieslingsekt Brut Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann

Picture: The 3 Chefs Welcoming us at Adlerwirtschaft

Picture: Amuses Gueules

Picture: NV Rieslingsekt Brut Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann

Picture: Urban Kaufmann, Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, at Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

First Course

Spargelsalat mit luftgetrocknetem Schinken von unserem Bentheimer Freilandschwein

2015 Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann Hattenheimer Riesling

Picture: Spargelsalat mit luftgetrocknetem Schinken von unserem Bentheimer Freilandschwein

Picture: 2015 Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann Hattenheimer Riesling

Picture: Urban Kaufmann, Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, at Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Second Course

Gebackener Tafelspitz von unserem Charolais Rind vom Falknehof mit Kräuter-Risotto

2012 Hattenheimer Wisselbrunnen Grosses Gewächs Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann

Picture: Gebackener Tafelspitz von unserem Charolais Rind vom Falknehof mit Kräuter-Risotto

Picture 2012 Hattenheimer Wisselbrunnen Grosses Gewächs Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann

Picture: Urban Kaufmann, Weingut Hans Lang - Kaufmann, at Adlerwirtschaft, Hattenheim

Lunch in Hattenheim: Third and Fourth Course at Zum Krug

Pictures: Annette Schiller, Mark Barth and Chef Josef Laufer, Zum Krug, Hattenheim

Third Course

Boston Fish Chowder - Süppchen vom Kabeljau und Krabben mit rotem Paprika, Frühlingslauch und Curry

2011 Hattenheimer Hassel Riesling Brut VDP.Grosse Lage Wein- und Sektgut Barth

Picture: Boston Fish Chowder - Süppchen vom Kabeljau und Krabben mit rotem Paprika, Frühlingslauch und Curry

Picture: 2011 Hattenheimer Hassel Riesling Brut VDP.Grosse Lage Wein- und Sektgut Barth

Pictures: Mark Barth and Chef Josef Laufer at Zum Krug, Hattenheim

Fourth Course

Hausgemachte Linguine mit grünem und weissem Spargel in einer Soja-Buerre Blanc mit Shiso-Blättern und Kalbszunge

2011 "Ultra" Pinot Brut Natur Wein- und Sektgut Barth

Picture: Hausgemachte Linguine mit grünem und weissem Spargel in einer Soja-Buerre Blanc mit Shiso-Blättern und Kalbszunge

Picture: 2011 "Ultra" Pinot Brut Natur Wein- und Sektgut Barth

Lunch in Hatteneheim: Fifth Course and Dessert at Kronenschlösschen

Pictures: Walking from Zum Krug to Kronenschlösschen

Pictures: Kronenschlösschen, Hattenheim

Fifth Course

Iberico-Filet Belugalinsen/ Süsskartoffeln/ Feige

2007 "Daniel" Spätburgunder (Magnum) Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung

Iberico-Filet Belugalinsen/ Süsskartoffeln/ Feige

2007 "Daniel" Spätburgunder (Magnum) Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung

Picture: Chef Simon Stirnal, Kronenschlösschen, Hattenheim

Picture: Chef Simon Stirnal. Owner Hans B. Ullrich. Kronenschlosschen, and Peter Winter, Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Hattenheim

Picture: Peter Winter, Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Hattenheim


Variation von Schokolade und Erdbeere

2013 Hattenheim Wisselbrunnen Riesling Spätlese Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung

Picture: Variation von Schokolade und Erdbeere

Picture: 2013 Hattenheim Wisselbrunnen Riesling Spätlese Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung

Picture: Peter Winter, Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Hattenheim

Lavazza Cafe

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