Picture: Dirk Würz, Weingut Balthasar Ress, Technical Director, in the Cellar. See: At Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim, Rheingau, during the 2015 Harvest with Winemaker Dirk Würtz, Germany. Dirk Würtz and his Weingut Balthasar Ress Nussbrunnen GG is #1 on Markus Hofschuster's List
Marcus Hofschuster is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Taster of Wein-Plus, a leading European on-line wine guide, based in Germany. Marcus Hofschuster is the man behind the reputation that Wein-Plus has gained over the past 2 decades. All wines are tasted blind. Marcus Hofschuster uses the 100 points scale.
From time to time, Marcus Hofschuster summarizes his tasting results in a "BEST OF" list. This time, he published a list summarizing his tasting results with regard to Dry German Riesling from the 2015 vintage.
Picture: Nico Rechenberg, Dirk Würtz, Weingut Balthasar Ress, Marcus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus, Armin Diel, Schlossgut Diel, Paul Truszkowski, Wine in Black, and Felix Bodman at the GG Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany, 2016. See: Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2015 White and 2014 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany
Marcus Hofschuster provided an introduction in German, which you find below, following my translation into English:
2015 it was not easy for "Kaffeesatzleser" (people who make statements without sufficient information). At first the worries were great because of the great drought in the summer, but the reactions after the first tastings were all the more euphoric.
After tasting many hundreds of wines, the following can be said for he dry German Rieslings 2015: There is plenty of reason for joy and enthusiasm, but not always and everywhere. Sometimes the acids are reminiscent of 2010, some wines seem rather hard, almost green, but also tannic.
The majority, however, is very well done, sometimes better than ever before, often not quite as juicy as 2014, but even more solid, deeper and more complex.
One thing is especially noticeable: more and more producers are mastering the art of real concentration in their wines, which does not come at the expense of subtleties, that is, what makes first-class and above all great wines.
Well over 1000 dry German Rieslings were tasted this year, of which we can only present the very best here.
2015 machte es den Kaffeesatzlesern nicht einfach. Erst waren die Sorgen wegen der großen Trockenheit im Sommer groß, dafür waren die Reaktionen nach den ersten Proben um so euphorischer.
Nach vielen hundert Proben lässt sich für den trockenen Riesling im Land sagen: Es gibt durchaus reichlich Anlass zur Freude, ja auch zur Begeisterung, aber eben doch nicht immer und überall. Manchmal erinnern die Säuren an 2010, einige Weine wirken eher hart, fast grün, dazu immer wieder auch gerbstoffrau.
Die Mehrheit aber ist sehr gelungen, manchmal besser denn je, oft vielleicht nicht ganz so saftig wie 2014, dafür noch fester, tiefer und komplexer.
Eines vor allem fällt auf: immer mehr Produzenten beherrschen die Kunst echter Konzentration in ihren Weinen, die nicht auf Kosten der Feinheiten geht, also das, was erstklassige und vor allem große Weine erst ausmacht.
Weit über 1000 trockene deutsche Rieslinge wurden heuer probiert, von denen wir hier nur die allerbesten vorstellen können.
BEST OF Deutscher Riesling trocken 2015
96 to 98 Points
98 Nussbrunnen GG, Ress
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Ress and Gunther Jauch. See: A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Schiller and Stefan Ress in the wineBank in Hattenheim in 2013 during the: German Wine and Culture Tour by ombiasy, 2013. See: Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
95 Points
95 Uhlen “Blaufüsser Lay” GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
95 Treppchen GG “Alte Reben”, Dr. Loosen
95 Brunnenhäuschen GG, Wittmann
95 Rothenberg GG “wurzelecht”, Kühling-Gillot
95 Felseneck GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
95 Auf der Ley GG, Emrich-Schönleber
95 Saumagen GG, Rings
Dr. Loosen
Pictures: Ernst Loosen and Annette and Christian Schiller in Washington DC. See: The Dry and Ultra-premium Dry GG and GG Reserve Rieslings of Weingut Dr. Loosen – Ernie Loosen in Washington DC
Pictures: Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann, with Annette and Christian Schiller at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting with Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann at Weingut Wittmann in Westhofen – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Picture: Carolin Spanier Gillot and Christian Schiller in Bodenheim at Weingut Kühling-Gillot
Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling Gillot at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf. See: Wine Tasting at Weingut Kühling-Gillot in Bodenheim: Kühling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines– Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Picture: Christian Schiller and Tim Fröhlich in Wiesbaden
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich in Bockenau, Nahe - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
94 Points
94 Morstein GG, Wittmann
94 Berg Rottland, Breuer
94 Wisselbrunnen GG, Barth
94 Burgberg GG, Diel
94 Kupfergrube GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
94 Scharzhofberg GG, van Volxem
94 Domprobst GG, Dr. Loosen
94 Uhlen “Laubach” GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
94 Pettenthal GG, Kühling-Gillot
94 Pechstein GG, von Winning
Pictures: Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Picture: Armin Diel and wife (Schlossgut Diel), Didier Cuvelier (Leoville Poyferre) and Annette Schiller (ombiasy PR and WineTours) at Weingut Wilhlem Weil in Kiedrich, Rheingau
Pictures: Christian G.E. Schiller and Caroline Diel with Anouk at a Previous Visit
See: Tasting with Sylvain Taurisson Diel at Schlossgut Diel, Nahe– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Van Volxem
Pictures: Lunch, Tasting and Vineyard Walk at Weingut Van Volxem with Owner Roman Niewodniczanski – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
von Winning
Picture: At Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz– Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
Picture: Andreas Hütwohl of Weingut Von Winning, Pfalz, with Annette Schiller in New York. See: The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
93 Points
93 Julius-Echter-Berg GG, Ruck
93 Schlossberg GG, Castell
93 Juffer-Sonnenuhr GG, Fritz Haag
93 Prälat GG “Alte Reben”, Dr. Loosen
93 Goldtröpfchen GG, Haart
93 Altenberg GG, von Othegraven
93 Röttgen GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
93 Volz GG, van Volxem
93 Marienburg “Rothenpfad” GG, Busch
93 Gräfenberg GG, Weil
93 Jesuitengarten GG, Bassermann-Jordan
93 Ungeheuer GG, von Winning
93 Kirchenstück GG, von Winning
93 Meerspinne im Mandelgarten GG, Christmann
93 Rothenberg GG, Gunderloch
93 Hipping GG, Kühling-Gillot
93 Kirchspiel GG, Wittmann
93 Hermannshöhle GG, Dönnhoff
93 Steinberg GG, Gut Hermannsberg
93 Kupfergrube, Gut Hermannsberg
93 Stromberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
93 Halenberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
93 Halenberg GG, Emrich-Schönleber
93 Pittermännchen GG, Diel
93 Marcobrunn GG, von Oetinger
93 Berg Schlossberg GG, Ress
93 Berg Schlossberg GG, Wegeler
93 Rothenberg GG, Wegeler
Clemens Busch
Pictures: At Weingut Clemens Busch with Rita and Clemens Busch. See:Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Clemens Busch– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Picture: Annette and Christian Schiller at the Rieslingfeier 2017 in New York City with Clemens Busch. See: The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
Robert Weil
Pictures: Christian and Annette Schiller with Wilhelm Weil at Weingut Robert Weil in Kiedrich
Pictures: Kiedrich: Visit of the Basilica of Saint Valentine and of Weingut Robert Weil - Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Pictures: Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
Picture: Christian Schiller with Helmut Dönnhoff, Weingut Hermann Dönnhoff
Picture: Annette Schiller, Helmut Dönnhoff and daughter Christina Dönnhoff (Weingut Dönnhoff) and Didier Cuevlier (Chateau Leoville Poyferre) at Weingut Dr. Robert Weil
Pictures: An Afternoon with Riesling Star Winemaker Helmut Doennhoff at Weingut Doennhoff in Oberhausen in the Nahe Valley, Germany
von Oetinger
Pictures: Achim von Oetinger, Weingut Zum Jungen Oetinger, with Annette and Christian Schiller at the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany. See: Schiller’s Impressions from the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany
Pictures: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Oetinger, Rheingau, with Achim von Oetinger– Germany-North 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
92 Points
92 Sonnenuhr GG, Wegeler
92 Juffer GG, Fritz Haag
92 Ohligsberg GG, Haart
92 Goldberg GG, van Volxem
92 Marienbusch “Falkenlay” GG, Busch
92 Schonfels GG “Faß 11”, Lauer
92 Saarfeilser Marienberg GG “Faß 13”, Lauer
92 Kirchberg GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
92 Julius-Echter-Berg GG, Wirsching
92 Kronsberg GG, Wirsching
92 Stein GG, Bürgerspital
92 Centgrafenberg GG, Fürst
92 Schönhell GG, Barth
92 Berg Roseneck GG, Leitz
92 Berg Schlossberg, Breuer
92 Nußbrunnen GG, Georg-Müller-Stiftung
92 Jesuitengarten GG, von Buhl
92 Kieselberg GG, von Buhl
92 Kieselberg GG, von Winning
92 Grainhübel GG, von Winning
92 Grainhübel GG, Bassermann-Jordan
92 Pechstein GG, Bassermann-Jordan
92 Idig GG, Christmann
92 “C.O.”, Battenfeld-Spanier
92 Zellerweg am Schwarzen Herrgott GG, Battenfeld-Spanier
92 Pettenthal GG, Gunderloch
92 Ölberg GG, Kühling-Gillot
92 Zehnmorgen GG, Sankt Antony
92 Frühlingsplätzchen GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
92 Felsenberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
92 Felsenberg GG “Felsentürmchen”, Dönnhoff
92 Goldloch GG, Diel
Pictures: Florian Lauer, Weingut Peter Lauer, and Christian Schiller in Mainz. See: Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards: The Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Pictures: Florian Lauer, Weingut Peter Lauer, at the 2016 Rieslingfeier in New York. See: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2016, USA
Pictures:Paul Fürst, Annette Schiller, Sebastian Fürst and Christian Schiller at Weingut Rudolf Fürst. See: Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan in Deidesheim with General Manager Gunther Hauck – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
schiller-wine: Related Postings
Burgundy (and Champagne) 2016 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: From Lyon to Reims - Wine, Food, Culture and History
Bordeaux Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016, France
Heads up for the 2017 Tours - to Germany and France - by ombiasy WineTours
Germany-East Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture and History
Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential German Riesling and the Northernmost Pinot Noir
Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
At Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim, Rheingau, during the 2015 Harvest with Winemaker Dirk Würtz, Germany
A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
German Wine and Culture Tour by ombiasy, 2013
Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
The Dry and Ultra-premium Dry GG and GG Reserve Rieslings of Weingut Dr. Loosen – Ernie Loosen in Washington DC
Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting with Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann at Weingut Wittmann in Westhofen – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Wine Tasting at Weingut Kühling-Gillot in Bodenheim: Kühling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines– Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Tasting at Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich in Bockenau, Nahe - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Tasting with Sylvain Taurisson Diel at Schlossgut Diel, Nahe– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2015 White and 2014 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany
Lunch, Tasting and Vineyard Walk at Weingut Van Volxem with Owner Roman Niewodniczanski – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
At Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz– Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
At Weingut Clemens Busch with Rita and Clemens Busch. See:Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Clemens Busch– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Kiedrich: Visit of the Basilica of Saint Valentine and of Weingut Robert Weil - Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
An Afternoon with Riesling Star Winemaker Helmut Doennhoff at Weingut Doennhoff in Oberhausen in the Nahe Valley, Germany
Schiller’s Impressions from the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany
Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Oetinger, Rheingau, with Achim von Oetinger– Germany-North 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards: The Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2016, USA
Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan in Deidesheim with General Manager Gunther Hauck – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Marcus Hofschuster is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Taster of Wein-Plus, a leading European on-line wine guide, based in Germany. Marcus Hofschuster is the man behind the reputation that Wein-Plus has gained over the past 2 decades. All wines are tasted blind. Marcus Hofschuster uses the 100 points scale.
From time to time, Marcus Hofschuster summarizes his tasting results in a "BEST OF" list. This time, he published a list summarizing his tasting results with regard to Dry German Riesling from the 2015 vintage.
Picture: Nico Rechenberg, Dirk Würtz, Weingut Balthasar Ress, Marcus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus, Armin Diel, Schlossgut Diel, Paul Truszkowski, Wine in Black, and Felix Bodman at the GG Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany, 2016. See: Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2015 White and 2014 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany
Marcus Hofschuster provided an introduction in German, which you find below, following my translation into English:
2015 it was not easy for "Kaffeesatzleser" (people who make statements without sufficient information). At first the worries were great because of the great drought in the summer, but the reactions after the first tastings were all the more euphoric.
After tasting many hundreds of wines, the following can be said for he dry German Rieslings 2015: There is plenty of reason for joy and enthusiasm, but not always and everywhere. Sometimes the acids are reminiscent of 2010, some wines seem rather hard, almost green, but also tannic.
The majority, however, is very well done, sometimes better than ever before, often not quite as juicy as 2014, but even more solid, deeper and more complex.
One thing is especially noticeable: more and more producers are mastering the art of real concentration in their wines, which does not come at the expense of subtleties, that is, what makes first-class and above all great wines.
Well over 1000 dry German Rieslings were tasted this year, of which we can only present the very best here.
2015 machte es den Kaffeesatzlesern nicht einfach. Erst waren die Sorgen wegen der großen Trockenheit im Sommer groß, dafür waren die Reaktionen nach den ersten Proben um so euphorischer.
Nach vielen hundert Proben lässt sich für den trockenen Riesling im Land sagen: Es gibt durchaus reichlich Anlass zur Freude, ja auch zur Begeisterung, aber eben doch nicht immer und überall. Manchmal erinnern die Säuren an 2010, einige Weine wirken eher hart, fast grün, dazu immer wieder auch gerbstoffrau.
Die Mehrheit aber ist sehr gelungen, manchmal besser denn je, oft vielleicht nicht ganz so saftig wie 2014, dafür noch fester, tiefer und komplexer.
Eines vor allem fällt auf: immer mehr Produzenten beherrschen die Kunst echter Konzentration in ihren Weinen, die nicht auf Kosten der Feinheiten geht, also das, was erstklassige und vor allem große Weine erst ausmacht.
Weit über 1000 trockene deutsche Rieslinge wurden heuer probiert, von denen wir hier nur die allerbesten vorstellen können.
BEST OF Deutscher Riesling trocken 2015
96 to 98 Points
98 Nussbrunnen GG, Ress
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Ress and Gunther Jauch. See: A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Schiller and Stefan Ress in the wineBank in Hattenheim in 2013 during the: German Wine and Culture Tour by ombiasy, 2013. See: Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
95 Points
95 Uhlen “Blaufüsser Lay” GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
95 Treppchen GG “Alte Reben”, Dr. Loosen
95 Brunnenhäuschen GG, Wittmann
95 Rothenberg GG “wurzelecht”, Kühling-Gillot
95 Felseneck GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
95 Auf der Ley GG, Emrich-Schönleber
95 Saumagen GG, Rings
Dr. Loosen
Pictures: Ernst Loosen and Annette and Christian Schiller in Washington DC. See: The Dry and Ultra-premium Dry GG and GG Reserve Rieslings of Weingut Dr. Loosen – Ernie Loosen in Washington DC
Pictures: Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann, with Annette and Christian Schiller at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting with Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann at Weingut Wittmann in Westhofen – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling Gillot at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf. See: Wine Tasting at Weingut Kühling-Gillot in Bodenheim: Kühling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines– Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Picture: Christian Schiller and Tim Fröhlich in Wiesbaden
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich in Bockenau, Nahe - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
94 Points
94 Morstein GG, Wittmann
94 Berg Rottland, Breuer
94 Wisselbrunnen GG, Barth
94 Burgberg GG, Diel
94 Kupfergrube GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
94 Scharzhofberg GG, van Volxem
94 Domprobst GG, Dr. Loosen
94 Uhlen “Laubach” GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
94 Pettenthal GG, Kühling-Gillot
94 Pechstein GG, von Winning
Pictures: Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Picture: Armin Diel and wife (Schlossgut Diel), Didier Cuvelier (Leoville Poyferre) and Annette Schiller (ombiasy PR and WineTours) at Weingut Wilhlem Weil in Kiedrich, Rheingau
See: Tasting with Sylvain Taurisson Diel at Schlossgut Diel, Nahe– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Van Volxem
Pictures: Lunch, Tasting and Vineyard Walk at Weingut Van Volxem with Owner Roman Niewodniczanski – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
von Winning
Picture: At Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz– Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
Picture: Andreas Hütwohl of Weingut Von Winning, Pfalz, with Annette Schiller in New York. See: The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
93 Points
93 Julius-Echter-Berg GG, Ruck
93 Schlossberg GG, Castell
93 Juffer-Sonnenuhr GG, Fritz Haag
93 Prälat GG “Alte Reben”, Dr. Loosen
93 Goldtröpfchen GG, Haart
93 Altenberg GG, von Othegraven
93 Röttgen GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
93 Volz GG, van Volxem
93 Marienburg “Rothenpfad” GG, Busch
93 Gräfenberg GG, Weil
93 Jesuitengarten GG, Bassermann-Jordan
93 Ungeheuer GG, von Winning
93 Kirchenstück GG, von Winning
93 Meerspinne im Mandelgarten GG, Christmann
93 Rothenberg GG, Gunderloch
93 Hipping GG, Kühling-Gillot
93 Kirchspiel GG, Wittmann
93 Hermannshöhle GG, Dönnhoff
93 Steinberg GG, Gut Hermannsberg
93 Kupfergrube, Gut Hermannsberg
93 Stromberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
93 Halenberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
93 Halenberg GG, Emrich-Schönleber
93 Pittermännchen GG, Diel
93 Marcobrunn GG, von Oetinger
93 Berg Schlossberg GG, Ress
93 Berg Schlossberg GG, Wegeler
93 Rothenberg GG, Wegeler
Clemens Busch
Pictures: At Weingut Clemens Busch with Rita and Clemens Busch. See:Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Clemens Busch– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Picture: Annette and Christian Schiller at the Rieslingfeier 2017 in New York City with Clemens Busch. See: The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
Robert Weil
Pictures: Christian and Annette Schiller with Wilhelm Weil at Weingut Robert Weil in Kiedrich
Pictures: Kiedrich: Visit of the Basilica of Saint Valentine and of Weingut Robert Weil - Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Pictures: Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
Picture: Christian Schiller with Helmut Dönnhoff, Weingut Hermann Dönnhoff
Picture: Annette Schiller, Helmut Dönnhoff and daughter Christina Dönnhoff (Weingut Dönnhoff) and Didier Cuevlier (Chateau Leoville Poyferre) at Weingut Dr. Robert Weil
Pictures: An Afternoon with Riesling Star Winemaker Helmut Doennhoff at Weingut Doennhoff in Oberhausen in the Nahe Valley, Germany
von Oetinger
Pictures: Achim von Oetinger, Weingut Zum Jungen Oetinger, with Annette and Christian Schiller at the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany. See: Schiller’s Impressions from the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany
Pictures: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Oetinger, Rheingau, with Achim von Oetinger– Germany-North 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
92 Points
92 Sonnenuhr GG, Wegeler
92 Juffer GG, Fritz Haag
92 Ohligsberg GG, Haart
92 Goldberg GG, van Volxem
92 Marienbusch “Falkenlay” GG, Busch
92 Schonfels GG “Faß 11”, Lauer
92 Saarfeilser Marienberg GG “Faß 13”, Lauer
92 Kirchberg GG, Heymann-Löwenstein
92 Julius-Echter-Berg GG, Wirsching
92 Kronsberg GG, Wirsching
92 Stein GG, Bürgerspital
92 Centgrafenberg GG, Fürst
92 Schönhell GG, Barth
92 Berg Roseneck GG, Leitz
92 Berg Schlossberg, Breuer
92 Nußbrunnen GG, Georg-Müller-Stiftung
92 Jesuitengarten GG, von Buhl
92 Kieselberg GG, von Buhl
92 Kieselberg GG, von Winning
92 Grainhübel GG, von Winning
92 Grainhübel GG, Bassermann-Jordan
92 Pechstein GG, Bassermann-Jordan
92 Idig GG, Christmann
92 “C.O.”, Battenfeld-Spanier
92 Zellerweg am Schwarzen Herrgott GG, Battenfeld-Spanier
92 Pettenthal GG, Gunderloch
92 Ölberg GG, Kühling-Gillot
92 Zehnmorgen GG, Sankt Antony
92 Frühlingsplätzchen GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
92 Felsenberg GG, Schäfer-Fröhlich
92 Felsenberg GG “Felsentürmchen”, Dönnhoff
92 Goldloch GG, Diel
Pictures: Florian Lauer, Weingut Peter Lauer, and Christian Schiller in Mainz. See: Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards: The Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Pictures: Florian Lauer, Weingut Peter Lauer, at the 2016 Rieslingfeier in New York. See: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2016, USA
Pictures:Paul Fürst, Annette Schiller, Sebastian Fürst and Christian Schiller at Weingut Rudolf Fürst. See: Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan in Deidesheim with General Manager Gunther Hauck – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
schiller-wine: Related Postings
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Bordeaux Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016, France
Heads up for the 2017 Tours - to Germany and France - by ombiasy WineTours
Germany-East Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture and History
Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential German Riesling and the Northernmost Pinot Noir
Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
At Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim, Rheingau, during the 2015 Harvest with Winemaker Dirk Würtz, Germany
A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
German Wine and Culture Tour by ombiasy, 2013
Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
The Dry and Ultra-premium Dry GG and GG Reserve Rieslings of Weingut Dr. Loosen – Ernie Loosen in Washington DC
Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting with Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann at Weingut Wittmann in Westhofen – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Wine Tasting at Weingut Kühling-Gillot in Bodenheim: Kühling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines– Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Tasting at Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich in Bockenau, Nahe - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Tasting with Sylvain Taurisson Diel at Schlossgut Diel, Nahe– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2015 White and 2014 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany
Lunch, Tasting and Vineyard Walk at Weingut Van Volxem with Owner Roman Niewodniczanski – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
At Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Winning in Deidesheim, Pfalz– Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
At Weingut Clemens Busch with Rita and Clemens Busch. See:Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Clemens Busch– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Kiedrich: Visit of the Basilica of Saint Valentine and of Weingut Robert Weil - Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
An Afternoon with Riesling Star Winemaker Helmut Doennhoff at Weingut Doennhoff in Oberhausen in the Nahe Valley, Germany
Schiller’s Impressions from the 2015 Wine Week in Wiesbaden, Germany
Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Oetinger, Rheingau, with Achim von Oetinger– Germany-North 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards: The Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2016, USA
Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan in Deidesheim with General Manager Gunther Hauck – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)