Pictures: Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015, Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, with Joel B. Payne, Father Wilhelm Haag, also Winemaker of the Year (some 20 Years ago) and Christian G.E. Schiller. Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, was Promoted to 5 Grapes.
The Gault Milla Deutschland WeinGuide is arguably the leading German wine guide. I already posted a number of articles about the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide 2015:
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015 Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Germany's Top 11 Winemakers (with 5 out of 5 Grapes) - The Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
This posting is a listing of the wine producers that were promoted and demoted in the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide 2015, grouped by regions. Note that those winemakers who were demoted to zero grapes and are thus not listed in the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide anymore are also not included in the listing below.
Picture: Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Demotion to 3 grapes:
J.J. Adeneuer, Ahrweiler
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Arndt F. Köbelin, Eichstetten
See also:
Wine Maker Arndt Koebelin at K+M Gutsweine in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Picture: Christian Schiller with Arndt Köbelin in Frankfurt am Main
Promotion to 1 grape:
Gerhard Karle, Ihringen
Demotions to 2 grape:
Holub, Herbolzheim
Spitalkellerei Konstanz
Staatsweingut Meersburg
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Michael Fröhlich, Escherndorf
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Augustin, Sulzfeld
Josef Walter, Bürgstadt
Promotions to 1 grape:
Hillabrand, Hüttenheim
Helmut und Bernd Hofheim, Ipsheim
Ilbacher Hof, Iphofen
Scheuring, Margetshöchheim
Vetter, Iphofen
Demotions to 2 grapes:
Heigel, Zell
Graf Schönborn, Volkach
Staatlicher Hofkeller, Würzburg
Demotion to 1 grape:
Günther Bardorf, Randersacker
Hessische Bergstrasse
Promotion to 1 grape:
Vinum autmundis, Gross-Umstadt
Demotion to 1 grape:
Hessische Staatsweingüter, Bensheim
Promotion to 2 grapes:
Josten und Klein, Remagen
Demotions to 1 grapes:
Fetz, Dörscheid
Toni Lorenz, Boppard
Promotion to 5 grapes:
Schloss Lieser, Thomas Haag, Lieser
Picture: Thomas Haag, Owner and Winemaker, Weingut Schloss Lieser, in Mainz
See also:
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Promotion to 3 grapes:
J.J. Christoffel Erben, Ürzig
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Bastgen, Monzel
Bischöfliche Weingüter, Trier
Dr. Fischer, Ockfen
Julian Haart, Piesport
Freiherr von Heddesdorff, Winningen
Lothar Kettern, Piesport
Nick Köwerich, Leiwen
Mönchhof Robert Eymael, Ürzig
Richard Richter, Winningen
See also:
3 German Winemakers – Dr. Fischer, Fitz-Ritter and G.A. Schneider – and the American Institute for Wine and Food (AIWF) at the L2 Lounge in Washington DC, USA
Pictures: Karin Fischer of Weingut Dr. Fischer in Washington DC
Promotions to 1 grape:
Knoth-Trossen, Kröv
Lorenz, Detzem
Ingo Norwig, Burgen
K.J. Thui, Thörnich
Demotion to 1 grape:
Becker-Steinhauer, Mülheim
Gietzen, Hatzenport
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Gebrüder Kauer, Windesheim
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Genheimer-Kiltz, Gutenberg
Honrath, Langenlonsheim
Von Racknitz, Odernheim
Schauss, Monzingen
Karl Stein, Oberhausen
See also:
The (Grape) Wines and the Apple Wine of Weingut von Racknitz, Germany
Picture: Owner and Winemaker Matthias Adams, Weingut von Racknitz, in Frankfurt am Main
Demotion to 4 grapes:
Dönnhoff, Oberhausen
See also:
Cornelius Dönnhoff, Weingut Dönnhoff: Stuart Pigott’s Winemaker of the Year, Germany
Picture: Cornelius and Helmut Dönnhoff and Martin Tesch, Weingut Tesch, at the Second International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau in Germany
Demotion to 2 grapes:
Bamberger, Meddersheim
Demotions to 1 grape:
Prinz Salm, Wallhausen
Staatsweingut, Bad Kreuznach
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Uli Metzger, Grünstadt-Asselheim
Wegner, Bad Dürkheim
Valentin Ziegler Sohn, Weyher
Promotions to 1 grape:
Josef Biffar, Deidesheim
Boudier Koeller, Stetten
Hahn-Pahlke, Battenberg
Motzenbäcker, Ruppertsberg
Demotion to 3 grapes:
Georg Mosbacher, Forst
Demotions to 1 grape:
Fitz-Ritter, Bad Dürkheim
Immergartenhof, Maikammer
Heiner Sauer, Böchingen
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Bardong, Geisenheim
Fricke, Kiedrich
Goldatzel, Johannisberg
Oetinger, Erbach
See also:
A Small, Premium Sekt Producer: Sektkellerei Bardong in the Rheingau, Germany
Picture: Christian G.E. Schiller with Norbert and Renate Bardong, Sektkellerei Bardong
Promotions to 1 grape:
Baison, Hochheim
Bickelmeier, Winkel
Biebers, Geisenheim
Schreiber, Hochheim
Weinwerk, Rüdesheim
See also:
“Hoffest” (Winery Party) at Weingut Heinrich Baison in Hochheim, Rheingau - Best of Riesling 2010 Award Winner
Picture: Christian Schiller with Best of Riesling 2010 Award Winners Heinrich and Heinz Baison, Weingut Baison, Hochheim, Rheingau, Germany
Promotions to 3 grapes:
Beck – Hedesheimer Hof, Stadecken-Elsheim
Geil Erben, Bechtheim
Karl May, Osthofen
Promotions to 2 grapes
Espenhof, Flonheim-Uffhofen
Gres, Appenheim
Keller, Worms-Pfiffligheim
Russbach, Eppelsheim
Promotions to 1 grape:
Bossert, Gundersheim
Eller, Alsheim
Sektmanufaktur Strauch
Abthof, Hahnheim
Schmitt, Mommenheim
Strebel, Wintersheim
Demotions to 2 grapes:
Groebe, Westhofen
Peth-Wetz, Bermesheim
Demotion to 1 grape:
Milch, Monsheim
No change
No change
Promotion to 4 grapes:
Neipperg, Schwaigern
See also:
Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Pictures: At Weingut Graf Neipperg in Schwaigern, Württemberg, with Björn Schilling
Promotion to 1 grape:
Forsthof, Steinheim-Kleinbottwar
Demotion to 2 grapes:
Weinmanufaktur Untertürkheim
schiller-wine - Related Postings
4 Wine Tours by ombiasy coming up in 2015: Germany-East, Germany-South. Germany-Nord and Bordeaux
Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Bourgogne Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), France
Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy, 2014
Germany-South Wine Tour by ombiasy, 2014
A Small, Premium Sekt Producer: Sektkellerei Bardong in the Rheingau, Germany
Wine Maker Arndt Koebelin at K+M Gutsweine in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The (Grape) Wines and the Apple Wine of Weingut von Racknitz, Germany
3 German Winemakers – Dr. Fischer, Fitz-Ritter and G.A. Schneider – and the American Institute for Wine and Food (AIWF) at the L2 Lounge in Washington DC, USA
Cornelius Dönnhoff, Weingut Dönnhoff: Stuart Pigott’s Winemaker of the Year, Germany
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015 Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Germany's Top 11 Winemakers (with 5 out of 5 Grapes) - The Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
The Gault Milla Deutschland WeinGuide is arguably the leading German wine guide. I already posted a number of articles about the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide 2015:
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015 Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Germany's Top 11 Winemakers (with 5 out of 5 Grapes) - The Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
This posting is a listing of the wine producers that were promoted and demoted in the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide 2015, grouped by regions. Note that those winemakers who were demoted to zero grapes and are thus not listed in the Gault Millau Deutschland WeinGuide anymore are also not included in the listing below.
Picture: Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Demotion to 3 grapes:
J.J. Adeneuer, Ahrweiler
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Arndt F. Köbelin, Eichstetten
See also:
Wine Maker Arndt Koebelin at K+M Gutsweine in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Picture: Christian Schiller with Arndt Köbelin in Frankfurt am Main
Promotion to 1 grape:
Gerhard Karle, Ihringen
Demotions to 2 grape:
Holub, Herbolzheim
Spitalkellerei Konstanz
Staatsweingut Meersburg
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Michael Fröhlich, Escherndorf
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Augustin, Sulzfeld
Josef Walter, Bürgstadt
Promotions to 1 grape:
Hillabrand, Hüttenheim
Helmut und Bernd Hofheim, Ipsheim
Ilbacher Hof, Iphofen
Scheuring, Margetshöchheim
Vetter, Iphofen
Demotions to 2 grapes:
Heigel, Zell
Graf Schönborn, Volkach
Staatlicher Hofkeller, Würzburg
Demotion to 1 grape:
Günther Bardorf, Randersacker
Hessische Bergstrasse
Promotion to 1 grape:
Vinum autmundis, Gross-Umstadt
Demotion to 1 grape:
Hessische Staatsweingüter, Bensheim
Promotion to 2 grapes:
Josten und Klein, Remagen
Demotions to 1 grapes:
Fetz, Dörscheid
Toni Lorenz, Boppard
Promotion to 5 grapes:
Schloss Lieser, Thomas Haag, Lieser
Picture: Thomas Haag, Owner and Winemaker, Weingut Schloss Lieser, in Mainz
See also:
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Promotion to 3 grapes:
J.J. Christoffel Erben, Ürzig
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Bastgen, Monzel
Bischöfliche Weingüter, Trier
Dr. Fischer, Ockfen
Julian Haart, Piesport
Freiherr von Heddesdorff, Winningen
Lothar Kettern, Piesport
Nick Köwerich, Leiwen
Mönchhof Robert Eymael, Ürzig
Richard Richter, Winningen
See also:
3 German Winemakers – Dr. Fischer, Fitz-Ritter and G.A. Schneider – and the American Institute for Wine and Food (AIWF) at the L2 Lounge in Washington DC, USA
Pictures: Karin Fischer of Weingut Dr. Fischer in Washington DC
Promotions to 1 grape:
Knoth-Trossen, Kröv
Lorenz, Detzem
Ingo Norwig, Burgen
K.J. Thui, Thörnich
Demotion to 1 grape:
Becker-Steinhauer, Mülheim
Gietzen, Hatzenport
Promotion to 3 grapes:
Gebrüder Kauer, Windesheim
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Genheimer-Kiltz, Gutenberg
Honrath, Langenlonsheim
Von Racknitz, Odernheim
Schauss, Monzingen
Karl Stein, Oberhausen
See also:
The (Grape) Wines and the Apple Wine of Weingut von Racknitz, Germany
Picture: Owner and Winemaker Matthias Adams, Weingut von Racknitz, in Frankfurt am Main
Demotion to 4 grapes:
Dönnhoff, Oberhausen
See also:
Cornelius Dönnhoff, Weingut Dönnhoff: Stuart Pigott’s Winemaker of the Year, Germany
Picture: Cornelius and Helmut Dönnhoff and Martin Tesch, Weingut Tesch, at the Second International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau in Germany
Demotion to 2 grapes:
Bamberger, Meddersheim
Demotions to 1 grape:
Prinz Salm, Wallhausen
Staatsweingut, Bad Kreuznach
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Uli Metzger, Grünstadt-Asselheim
Wegner, Bad Dürkheim
Valentin Ziegler Sohn, Weyher
Promotions to 1 grape:
Josef Biffar, Deidesheim
Boudier Koeller, Stetten
Hahn-Pahlke, Battenberg
Motzenbäcker, Ruppertsberg
Demotion to 3 grapes:
Georg Mosbacher, Forst
Demotions to 1 grape:
Fitz-Ritter, Bad Dürkheim
Immergartenhof, Maikammer
Heiner Sauer, Böchingen
Promotions to 2 grapes:
Bardong, Geisenheim
Fricke, Kiedrich
Goldatzel, Johannisberg
Oetinger, Erbach
See also:
A Small, Premium Sekt Producer: Sektkellerei Bardong in the Rheingau, Germany
Picture: Christian G.E. Schiller with Norbert and Renate Bardong, Sektkellerei Bardong
Promotions to 1 grape:
Baison, Hochheim
Bickelmeier, Winkel
Biebers, Geisenheim
Schreiber, Hochheim
Weinwerk, Rüdesheim
See also:
“Hoffest” (Winery Party) at Weingut Heinrich Baison in Hochheim, Rheingau - Best of Riesling 2010 Award Winner
Promotions to 3 grapes:
Beck – Hedesheimer Hof, Stadecken-Elsheim
Geil Erben, Bechtheim
Karl May, Osthofen
Promotions to 2 grapes
Espenhof, Flonheim-Uffhofen
Gres, Appenheim
Keller, Worms-Pfiffligheim
Russbach, Eppelsheim
Promotions to 1 grape:
Bossert, Gundersheim
Eller, Alsheim
Sektmanufaktur Strauch
Abthof, Hahnheim
Schmitt, Mommenheim
Strebel, Wintersheim
Demotions to 2 grapes:
Groebe, Westhofen
Peth-Wetz, Bermesheim
Demotion to 1 grape:
Milch, Monsheim
No change
No change
Promotion to 4 grapes:
Neipperg, Schwaigern
See also:
Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Pictures: At Weingut Graf Neipperg in Schwaigern, Württemberg, with Björn Schilling
Promotion to 1 grape:
Forsthof, Steinheim-Kleinbottwar
Demotion to 2 grapes:
Weinmanufaktur Untertürkheim
schiller-wine - Related Postings
4 Wine Tours by ombiasy coming up in 2015: Germany-East, Germany-South. Germany-Nord and Bordeaux
Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Bourgogne Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), France
Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy, 2014
Germany-South Wine Tour by ombiasy, 2014
A Small, Premium Sekt Producer: Sektkellerei Bardong in the Rheingau, Germany
Wine Maker Arndt Koebelin at K+M Gutsweine in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The (Grape) Wines and the Apple Wine of Weingut von Racknitz, Germany
3 German Winemakers – Dr. Fischer, Fitz-Ritter and G.A. Schneider – and the American Institute for Wine and Food (AIWF) at the L2 Lounge in Washington DC, USA
Cornelius Dönnhoff, Weingut Dönnhoff: Stuart Pigott’s Winemaker of the Year, Germany
Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015 Awards Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Germany's Top 11 Winemakers (with 5 out of 5 Grapes) - The Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015