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Best Wine List in the World: Palais Coburg Residenz, Vienna, Austria, and Most Restaurants with Top Wine Lists in the World: New York City, USA

Picture: Palais Coburg Residenz (Photo: Falstaff/Lehmann)

Palais Coburg Residez in Vienna in the Old World has the best wine list in the world. New York City in the New World has the most top wine lists in the world (36). London is second (16), San Francisco third, Chicago fourth, Sidneyfifth und Melbourne sixth.

Picture: terroir - New York City, see: Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, USA

Over 4,000 restaurants from around the globe were judged by the UK-based publication The World of Fine Wine (WFW). The judges awarded 750 restaurants a one-, two-, or three-star award. 225 wine lists made it into the top three-star category.

Picture: Morrell Wine Bar and Cafe - New York City, see: Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, USA

The judges also identified, region by region and for the world as a whole, the most exciting lists in 5 categories: Best Overall Wine List, Best Champagne & Sparkling Wine List, Best Dessert & Fortified Wine List, Best By-the-Glass Wine List, and Best Short Wine List. Finally, the judges recognized with a special Jury Prize several lists that showed distinctive character and flair or were particularly strong in a specific wine style.

Picture: Rouge Tomate - New York City, see: Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, USA

Chaired by WFW editor Neil Beckett, the distinguished panel of judges comprised, along with WFW contributing editor Andrew Jefford: the World's Best Sommelier 2010 Gerard Basset MS MW OBE; WFW columnist and food editor Francis Percival; author and wine and spirits columnist for Bloomberg News Elin McCoy; publisher of The Singapore Wine Review and wine columnist for Singapore's largest circulation Chinese newspaper, the Lianhe Zaobao, Ch'ng Poh Tiong; and author and globally respected Champagne expert Tom Stevenson.

Picture: Hearth - New York City, see: Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, USA

The top award went to Vienna hotel Palais Coburg Residenz. Falstaff: Es sind sechs einzelne Keller in den unterirdischen Gewölben des Wiener Palais, in dem insgesamt 60.000 Weine lagern. Alleine im Frankreich-Keller schlummern 30.000 Flaschen in allen verfügbaren Formaten. Big Brands wie Petrus, Mouton, Latour oder Lafite sind aus allen großen Jahrgängen vertreten. Alleine die Yquem-Sammlung umfasst von 1893 bis heute aus jedem Jahrgang zumindest eine Flasche. Auch der älteste »noch trinkbare« Wein der Welt (laut Michael Broadbent) lagert im Palais Coburg: Der Rüdesheimer Apostelwein aus dem Bremer Ratskeller stammt aus dem Jahr 1727.

Regional winners: The Austrian venue also took the regional prize for Best Wine List in Europe. Here is the complete list.

Europa: Palais Coburg in Wien, Österreich
North America: Hearth in New York, USA
South America: Taste-Vin in Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Asia: Restaurant Petrus at Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong, China
Africa: Rust en Vrede in Stellenbosch, South Africa
Oceania: Royal Mail Hotel, Australia

Writing about the North American best wine list at Hearth, the judges said: “There are encyclopedic wine lists—–Bible-length books of the acknowledged greats of the vinous world. And then there are those lists that simply capture an individual personality, that express firmly held tastes and convictions and, in doing so, help define the zeitgeist. Paul Grieco’s list at Hearth in Manhattan’s East Village is very much in the latter camp.”

New York’s 36 Restaurants in the 3-star category are:

21 Club
Ai Fiori
A Voce Columbus
Babbo NYC
Bar Boulud
Bouley Restaurant
Cafe Boulud
Charlie Bird
Restaurant Daniel
Del Posto
Delmonico’s NYC
Eleven Madison Park
Gramercy Tavern NYC (Winner: Jury Award)
Hearth (Winner: Best Overall in Region/Jury Award)
Jungsik Restaurant
Le Cirque
Marea (Winner: Jury Award)
Moderne Barn
Morrell NYC (Winner: Best by-the-glass)
Pearl & Ash
Per Se
River Cafe
The Modern
The NoMad
Rouge Tomate (Winner: Jury Award)
Tia Pol
Tribeca Grill
Union Square Café

For the complete list of 750 restaurants rated at least 1 star, see here.

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