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The German Winemakers and Wines at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium in Germany (Rheingau)

Picture: Christian G.E. Schiller and Wilhelm Weil at Weingut Robert Weil, looking at Turmberg and Graefenberg

The 2nd International Riesling Symposium took place on May 26 and 27, 2014, at Schloss Rheinhartshausen in the Rheingau. Riesling experts from around the world - top winemakers, representatives from the trade and restaurant sector, and journalists – gathered to celebrate, discuss and taste the arguably most noble white grape in the world - Riesling.

I have already provided an overview about the 2nd International Riesling Symposium event: The 2nd International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany

This posting focuses on Germany, more specifically, the wines from Germany that were presented and the winemakers from Germany that participated in the 2nd International Riesling Symposium.

Riesling in the World

There are about 47000 hectares planted with Riesling worldwide. Germany – with 22500 hectares – accounts for about half of the total. The second and third largest Riesling producer are the US (mainly Washington State and Finger Lakes Region) with 4800 hectares and Australia with 4100 hectares. But this is only about 1/10 of the total. Alsace follows with 3500 hectares. Alsace, Ukraine and Austria follow with 3500 hectares, 2700 hectares and 1900 hectares, respectively.

Overall, Riesling is really a niche wine, accounting for less than 1 percent of total wine production in the world - but a very special niche wine. In terms of quality wines, Riesling is usually included in the top three white wine varieties, with Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Riesling is highly terroir-expressive, meaning that the character of Riesling wines is clearly influenced by the wine’s place of origin

German Winemakers at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium

Weingut Fritz Allendorf
Wein- und Sektgut Barth
Weingut Battenfeld Spanier
Weingut Georg Breuer
Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
Fürstlich Castell’sches Domänenamt
Weingut A. Christmann
Weingut H. Dönnhoff
Weingut Emrich-Schönleber
Weingut Rudolf Fürst
Weingut Grans-Fassian
Weingut K.F. Gröbe
Weingut Reinhold Haart
Weingut Dr. Heger
Gut Hermannsberg
Weingut Heymann-Löwenstein
Weingut Johannishof, Johannes Eser
Weingut Toni Jost
Weingut Keller
Weingut August Kesseler
Weingut Reichsgraf von Kesselstadt
Hessische Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach
Weingut Baron Knyphausen
Weingut Kühling-Gillot
Weingut Künstler
Weingut Langwerth von Simmern
Weingut Leitz
Weingut Dr. Loosen
Weingut G.H. von Mumm
Weingut Prinz
Weingut Prinz von Hessen
Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz
Weingut Schloss Johannisberg
Weingut Schloss Lieser
Wein- und Sektgut F.B. Schönleber
Weingut Josef Spreitzer
Weingut St. Antony
Weingut St. Urbans-Hof
Weingut Tesch
Weingut Van Volxem
Weingut Wagner Stempel
Weigüter Wegeler
Weingut Robert Weil
Weingut von Winning
Weingut Hans Wirsching
Weingut Wittmann
Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken
Weingut Klaus Zimmerling

German Wines at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium

Germann wines were shown in 3 of the 4 major tastings: (1) The Grand Cru Couple from VDP.Grosse Lage – Riesling Grosses Gewächs and Riesling Spätlese. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Giuseppe Lauria, Germany (only German wines), (2) Riesling from Danube, Rhine, Nahe, and Moselle: the European Riesling Route - A Tasting at the 2014 International Riesling Symposium, Germany, Moderated by Cornelius and Fabian Lange, and (3) Riesling and Aging Potential. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Caro Maurer, MW, Germany.

The Grand Cru Couple from VDP.Grosse Lage – Riesling Grosses Gewächs and Riesling Spätlese. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Giuseppe Lauria, Germany 

Picture: Wilhelm Weil, Weingut Weil, and Guiseppe Lauria

Geheimrat J.Wegeler, Mosel, 2012 Bernkastel Doctor, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG - very acid, shows cool minerality, citrus and apple aromas. The Spätlese - a quite elegant wine, also with strong minerality.

Schloss Lieser, Mosel, 2012 Niederberg Helden, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – spontaneous fermentation, long contact with lees, strong minerality, shows were the wine comes from. The Spätlese – fruit is very upfront, aromas are more difficult to detect, needs more time to open up, 90 grams RS.

Picture: Christian G.E Schiller and Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, at Lunch

Grans-Fassian, Mosel, 2012, Trittenheim Apotheke, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG - not a big wine, fragile, not as much in balance as the previous two GG wines.

Dönnhoff, Nahe, 2012, Niederhausen Hermannshoehle, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – prototype for the region, earthy notes, pronounced acidity, still a very young wine. The Spätlese – apricots, white peach, quite balanced, quite long in the mouth.

Picture: Cornelius and Helmut Dönnhoff and Martin Tesch

Emrich-Schoenleber, Nahe, 2012, Monzingen Hallenberg, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – got power, but remains elegant, really good structure, quite monolithic in its style. The Spätlese – wonderfully balanced, is full of energy, great drinkability.

Picture: Werner Schönleber, Weingut Schönleber

Wagner-Stempel, Rheinhessen, 2012, Siefersheim Heerkretz, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – fermented in wood, very mineral. Daniel Stempel: The Spätlese – only a few bottles were made of this wine, basically for the export market.

Picture: Daniel Stempel, Weingut Wagner Stempel

Toni Jost, Mittelrhein, 2012, Bacharach Hahn, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – explosive Riesling fruit, ripe, peaches, a fruit – forward wine, fermented in stainless steel, with 10% botrytis. The Spätlese – 50% botrytis, also fermented in stainless steel.

Pictures: Christian G.E. Schiller, Annette Schiller and Cecilia Jost, Weingut Toni Jost - Hahnenhof

Oekonomierat Rebholz, Pfalz, 2011, Birkweiler Kastanienbusch, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – herbal, spicy, only fully ripe grapes without botrytis were used. The Spätlese – 70 grams RZ, quite complex, big potential.

Picture: Hansjörg Rebholz, Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz

K.F. Groebe, Rheinhessen, 2011, Westhofen, Kirchspiel, GG and Spätlese

Robert Weil, Rheingau, 2011, Kiedrich Gräfenberg, GG and Spätlese

Giuseppe Lauria: The GG – mango, yellow fruits, also lots of minerality.

Josef Spreitzer, Rheingau, 2009, Oestrich Lenchen, GG and Spätlese 303

Picture: Andreas Spreitzer, Weingut Spreitzer

Leitz, Rheingau, 2009, Rüdesheim Berg Roseneck, GG and Spätlese

Riesling from Danube, Rhine, Nahe, and Moselle: the European Riesling Route - A Tasting at the 2014 International Riesling Symposium, Germany, Moderated by Cornelius and Fabian Lange

Picture: Riesling from Danube, Rhine, Nahe, and Moselle: the European Riesling Route - A Tasting at the 2014 International Riesling Symposium, Germany, Moderated by Cornelius and Fabian Lange

Wein- und Sektgut Barth Rheingau
Barth Sekt Primus Brut, made from 2009 Hattenheim Hassel Erstes Gewaechs
2009 Hattenheim Hassel Erstes Gewächs

Cornelius and Fabian Lange: The same grape material in 2 different interpretations – as a sparkling wine and as a still wine. It is hard to believe that the 2 wines were made with the same grape material.

Weingut Rudolf Fürst Franken
2009 Bürgstadt Centgrafenberg VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Picture: Sebastian Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst

Wein- und Sektgut F.B. Schönleber Rheingau
2009 Mittelheim St. Nikolaus Erstes Gewaechs

Weingut van Volxem Mosel
2010 Kanzem Altenberg Alte Reben VDP.Grosse Lage

Roman Niewodniczanski: We try to make our wines in a traditional style, low yields, old vines, a wine that is low in alcohol.

Picture: Roman Niewodniczanski, Weingut van Volxem

Weingut von Winning Pfalz
2010 Deidesheim Kieselberg VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Gut Hermannsberg Nahe
2011 Schlossböckelheimer Kupfergrube VDP. Grosses Gewaechs

Weingut Tesch Nahe
2011 Laubenheimer Kartaeuserhof Riesling trocken

Martin Tesch: We have lots of different soils. We like to keep things simple and short: one grape variety, no oak, screw caps.

Picture: Martin Tesch, Weingut Tesch

Weingut Kühling-Gillot Rheinhessen
2011 Nierstein Pettenthal VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

H.O. Spanier: We produce bio-dynamic. We do not do anything. The wine ferments and we leave the wine alone to develop.

Picture: H.O. Spanier, Weingut Kühling-Gillot

Cornelius and Fabian Lange: The last 3 wines are very close together, very similar interpretations, a good trio from the southern, middle and northern parts of Germany

Weingut A. Christmann Pfalz
2011 Gimmeldinger Mandelgarten VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Stefan Christmann: This wine shows very well what the Pfalz can do, spontaneously fermented, let the wine develop.

Picture: Stefan Christmann, Weingut A. Christmann

Weingut Dr. Loosen Mosel
2011 Uerzig Wuerzgarten Alte Reben Reserve VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Cornelius and Fabian Lange: Super soft, a lot of harmony in the wine.

Picture: Ernst Loosen, Weingut Dr. Loosen

Weingut Johannishof Rheingau
2011 Ruedesheim Berg Rottland Erstes Gewaechs

Picture: Johannes Eser, Weingut Johannishof

Weingut Heymann-Löwenstein Mosel
2012 Winningen Uhlen “Blaufuesser Lay” VDP. Grosses Gewaechs

Weingut Hans Wirsching Franken
2012 Iphofen Julius-Echter-Berg VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Weingut Keller Rheinhessen
2012 Dalsheim Hubacker VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Weingut Wittmann Rheinhessen
2012 Westhofen Morstein VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Picture: Philipp Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann

Weingut August Kesseler Rheingau
2012 Rüdesheim Berg Schlossberg VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Weingut Prinz
2012 Hallgarten Jungfer VDP.Grosses Gewaechs

Picture: Fred Prinz, Weingut Prinz

Riesling and Aging Potential. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Caro Maurer, MW, Germany.

Picture: Wilhelm Weil and Caro Maurer, MW, at the Riesling and Aging Potential Tasting, 2nd International Riesling Symposium

Weingut Fürst Castell’sches Domänenamt Franken
2004 Castell Schlossberg Spätlese trocken

Caro Maurer: A very special wine: A Riesling from Franken, where Riesling accounts for only 4% of the production. A bolder, heavy style, long hang time. The boldness of the wine comes from the soil. Has a minerality in the finish that gives the wine a very special appearance.

Weingut Künstler Rheingau
2004 Hochheim Hölle Auslese trocken

Caro Maurer: One of the famous sites of Hochheim. 2004 was a cool vintage (after the hot 2003 vintage). Long hang time. Only healthy fruit was used. Has smoky, flinty notes in the nose, leanness in the mouth, elegance. It is a complete wine now at its peak.

Picture: Gunter Künstler

Weingut Georg Breuer Rheingau
2002 Rüdesheim Berg Schlossberg

Caro Maurer: 2002 is the last vintage the late Georg Breuer made, his daughter Teresa was doing her “Abitur” (German Baccaloreat) in this year, Teresa sent the wine to the tasting in memory of her late father, Schlossberg is always magic, opulent in the nose, offers a lot on the palate, rather lean, rather compressed, but you get the length and this salty feeling, which can only come from a Schlossberg.

Dirk Würtz: Breues Schlossberg ist ein Monument in Sachen Riesling und perfekt auf dem Punkt.

Weingut St. Antony Rheinhessen
2002 Nierstein Ölberg VDP.Grosses Gewächs

Caro Maurer: A vineyard not too far away from the Schlossberg, on the other side of the river, upstream, comes from the Roter Hang (Red Slope).

Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier Rheinhessen
2002 Nieder-Flörsheim Frauenberg VDP.Grosses Gewächs

Caro Maurer: The winemaker H.O. Spanier used only healthy grapes, no botrytis affected grapes, but was trying to harvest as late as possible, still a very young wine, very fresh, nice acidity, which is well integrated into the fruit, a world class wine.

Picture: Carolin Gillot Spanier and H.O. Spanier, Weingut Kükling Gillot and Weingut Battenfeld Spanier

Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf Pfalz
2002 Forst Ungeheuer G.C.

Caro Maurer: The Ungeheuer has South East exposure and very good drainage, one of the traditional family estates in Germany, with a long history, wine was made in a 700 liter Fuder, a typical representative of the Pfalz region, it is a more baroque style, a Rubens wine, with sexy curves.

Weingut Dr. Heger Baden
2002 Ihringen Winklerberg Spätlese

Caro Maurer: Baden is the most southern region in Germany, a fruity-sweet wine with 46 gr/RS, I would never have recognized this wine as a wine from Baden, love the citrus character in the nose, beautiful wine, you do not really taste the sweetness in the wine, a surprise to have such a wine in the tasting.

Picture: Joachim Heger with Helmut Dönnhoff, Martin Tesch and Klaus Zimmerling

Weingut Reinhold Haart Mosel
1996 Piesporter Goldtröpfchen Kabinett

Caro Maurer: Kabinett is one of my favorites, because nobody else in the world can produce this style of wine, 58 gr/RS, a beautiful wine, light style, refreshing, you cannot copy it.

Dirk Würtz: Ganz ähnlich verhielt es sich mit dem 1996 Kabinett aus dem Piesporter Goldtröpfchen von Haart. Das geht auch kaum noch besser. Ein Wein mit Zug, den ich einfach nur trinken will, weil er alles das hat, was gereiften restsüßen Riesling ausmacht. Dieses Spiel, diese Harmonie und diese Unaufdringlichkeit sind einzigartig. Jeder Schluck ist der pure Genuss!

Weingut Fritz Allendorf Rheingau
1990 Winkel Jesuitengarten Auslese

Caro Maurer: 56 gr/RS (less than the previous Kabinett), good balance, has chocolate notes, ginger, spices.

Weingut Baron Knyphausen Rheingau
2004 Erbach Steinmorgen Spätlese

Picture: Gerko Freiherr zu Knyphausen with Wilhelm Weil and Steffen Christmann

Weingut St. Urbanshof Mosel
2002 Leiwen Laurentiulay Spätlese

Caro Maurer: Nic Weiss sent the wine saying: This wine represents the Mosel – enjoy the interplay between sugar and acidity, 79 gr/RS, you know it is a sweet wine, but you do not perceive it as a sweet wine, round mouthfeel.

Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Ziliken Mosel
1993 Saarburg Rausch Spätlese

Caro Maurer: Very pure, a classic wine from the Mosel, peaches, apples, honey on the nose, very silky on the palate, light, salty taste in the finish, a wine which cannot be replicated anywhere else.

Weingut Freiherr Langwerth von Simmern Rheingau
2002 Erbach Marcobrunn Auslese

Caro Maurer: Not much noble rot, quince, white peach, mince, apricot on the nose, honey and nuts on the palate, really nice, 91 gr/RS.

Weingut Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt Mosel
1989 Scharzhofberger Auslese

Caro Maurer: Lots of botrytis, one of the most famous sites in Germany, spices, ginger, orange peel in the nose, this is about saltiness, soil and minerality, shows the elegance of the Scharzhofberg vineyard, 88 gr/RS.

Domäne Schloss Johannisberg Rheingau
1945 Schloss Johannisberg Rosalack Auslese

Caro Maurer: a war vintage, was extremely difficult to make this wine, you can smell the spices, beautiful wine.

Dirk Würtz: Da stand eine Auslese aus dem Jahr 1945 von Schloss Johannisberg auf dem Tisch. ein Wein, für dessen Beschreibung noch nicht die richtigen Worte erfunden sind. Taufrisch war er, annähernd jugendlich. Ein Hauch von Minze wehte aus dem Glas, die Süße war deutlich schmeckbar, die Säure perfekt. Sollte ich jemals Punkte für einen Wein geben wollen, dieser bekäme die Höchstpunktzahl.

Pictture: Christian Witte

Weingut Prinz von Hessen Rheingau
1994 Johannisberg Hasensprung Beerenauslese

Caro Maurer: Very spicy, raisins in the nose, beautiful, liquory texture with orange marmalade and spices on the palate, 150 gr/RS, high in alcohol, which adds to the aging potential.

Weingut G.H.Mumm Rheingau
1971 Johannisberg Schwarzenstein Beerenauslese

Caro Maurer: 1971 was a great vintage, ripe without getting fat, this is an aged wine, you can taste the oxidization, still lively, has some wonderful honey notes.

Hessische Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach Rheingau
1959 Steinberger Trockenbeerenauslese

Caro Maurer: 1959 was a good vintage, still a great pleasure for us to taste this wine, shows very well that Riesling can age.
Picture: Dieter Greiner with Wilhelm Weil

Postings about the 2014 International Riesling Symposium on schiller-wine

This posting is part of a series about the 2nd International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany. Here is a list of the Postings already published and those still coming.

The 2nd International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany
A Tour through the Rheingau - Visit of 3 Prestigious, Historic Rheingau Wineries: Weingut Robert Weil, Hessische Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach and Schloss Johannisberg, Germany
Rieslings from the New World – More Traditional than Rieslings from the Old World? A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Stuart Pigott, Germany
The Grand Cru Couple from VDP.Grosse Lage – Riesling Grosses Gewächs and Riesling Spätlese. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Giuseppe Lauria, Germany
Riesling from Danube, Rhine, Nahe, and Moselle: the European Riesling Route - A Tasting at the 2014 International Riesling Symposium, Germany, Moderated by Cornelius and Fabian Lange
Riesling and Aging Potential. A Tasting at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, led by Caro Maurer, MW, Germany

Wines and Winemakers from Australia and New Zealand at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, Rheingau, Germany
Austrian Wines and Winemakers at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium in Germany (Rheingau)
Wines and Winemakers from the US and Canada at the 2nd International Riesling Symposium, Rheingau, Germany
German Riesling Producers at the 2. International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany

schiller-wine: Related Postings

3 Wine Tours by ombiasy Coming up in 2014: Germany-North, Germany-South and Bordeaux

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The 2nd International Riesling Symposium in the Rheingau, Germany

1st International Riesling Symposium, Rheingau, Germany

Aging Potential of Riesling– A Wine Tasting at the 1st International Riesling Symposium in Germany Led by Jancis Robinson

The World of Riesling in Seattle - Fourth Riesling Rendezvous in Washington State, USA

Visiting Wilhelm Weil at his Weingut Robert Weil in Kiedrich, Germany

When Americans Drink German Wine - What They Choose

German Wine Basics: Sugar in the Grape - Alcohol and Sweetness in the Wine

Riesling, Pinot Noir and Indian Cuisine: A tête-à-tête Dinner with Winemaker Ernst Loosen, Weingut Dr. Loosen, at Rasika in Washington DC, USA

Top 10 Riesling Producers in the World– Snooth 2012

Steffen Christmann (Weingut A. Christmann) and Wilhelm Weil (Weingut Robert Weil) Presented the New Wine Classification of the VDP, Germany

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