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BEST OF VDP.Ortswein (Markus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus), Germany

Pictures: Hauskonzert - Sunday Morning Concert - at Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf with Annette Schiller and Bettina Bürklin-von Guradze and a 150 years old Steinway Concert Piano. See: Impromptu Tasting at Weinbar & Vinothek Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf in Deidsheim, with Managing Director Steffen Brahner - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen

Marcus Hofschuster is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Taster of Wein-Plus, a leading European on-line wine guide, based in Germany. Marcus Hofschuster is the man behind the reputation that Wein-Plus has gained over the past 2 decades. All wines are tasted blind. Marcus Hofschuster uses the 100 points scale.

From time to time, Marcus Hofschuster summarizes his tasting results in a "BEST OF" list. This time, he published a list summarizing his tasting results with regard to wines from the Ortswein/ Village Wines category. 

Picture: "Sam" Hofschuster (Wein-Plus).

Although many people think that there is only one wine classification system in Germany – the classification system of the Law of 1971 – this is not correct. True, the classification system of the Law of 1971 is the standard classification system in Germany and many winemakers in Germany use this approach. Increasingly, however, German wine producers are moving away from the standard, in particular the producers of premium wines in Germany. Importantly, the members of the VDP, the association of about 200 elite winemakers in Germany, have all converted to the new classification.

In a nutshell, the VDP is moving to a classification system that resembles very much the classification system in the Bourgogne. The classification of the VDP puts the terroir principle at the center of its classification approach. With the latest modifications of 2012, the absolutely finest vineyards are called Grosse Lage (for the 2011 vintage still called Erste Lage) and dry wines from these super top vineyards are called Grosses Gewächs. Grosses Gewächs wines are the finest dry wines from Germany’s finest vineyards.

The VDP Wine Classification

Wilhelm Weil: “The new VDP Wine Classification System is basically a matrix classification.” On one axis you find the different quality levels of the wines, along the Burgundian terroir approach, with estate wines, village wines, first growth (premier cru) wines and great growth (grand cru) wines.

Following their colleagues in the Bourgogne, the terroir principle has taken center stage in the VDP classification. Effective with the 2012 harvest, the VDP classification has the following 4 quality layers (In brackets, the equivalent quality classes in the classification system of the Bourgogne):

• VDP.Grosse Lage (Grand Cru in Burgundy)
• VDP.Erste Lage (Premier Cru in Burgundy)
• VDP.Ortswein (Village level in Burgundy)
• VDP.Gutswein (Bourgogne régional in Burgundy)

Note that for some legal reasons, the VDP has started to use the terms Grosse Lage, Erste Lage, Ortswein and Gutswein with the pre-fix VDP.

On the other axis, you find the sweetness levels: Trocken, Kabinett, Spätlese, Auslese, Beerenauslese and Trockenbeerenauslese as well as Eiswein. Please note that in the new VDP classification system the Prädikats have lost their critical importance that they have in the traditional classification system of 1971 and that they have changed their meaning. In the VDP classification system, they have become an indicator for the sweetness range of the finished wine, while in the traditional classification they are an indicator of the sugar content of the grapes at harvest. Generally, in the new VDP classification system, the Prädikats are to be used exclusively for wines with residual sweetness, “thereby enabling the Prädikats to resume their traditional meaning”, as stated by the VDP.

VDP.Ortswein - Sourced from Superior Soils

A VDP.Ortswein originates from a village's best vineyards that are planted with grape varieties typical of their region, equivalent to a village wine in the Bourgogne. Maximum yield is at 75hl/ha.

A dry VDP.Ortswein is labeled Qualitätswein Trocken.

A VDP.Ortswein with residual sweetness is labeled with one of the traditional Prädikats.

For more on the new VDP Classification, see:

The New Classification of German Wines: The VDP Classification - Annette Schiller Conducting a Seminar at the 2016 National Convention of the American Wine Society in Los Angeles, USA

BEST Of VDP.Ortswein


92WP 2018 Nierstein, Keller *
91WP 2018 Dorsheim “Eierfels”, Diel
91WP 2017 Forst, Reichsrat von Buhl
90WP 2017 Wachenheim, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
90WP 2018 Burg Layen, Diel
90WP 2018 Piesport “Goldstück”, Schloß Lieser
90WP 2018 Maximin Grünhaus “Alte Reben”
89WP 2018 Maximin Grünhaus “Das Kapital”
89WP 2018 Deidesheim, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
89WP 2017 Forst, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
89WP 2017 Deidesheim, Reichsrat von Buhl
89WP 2018 Kiedrich, Weil
89WP 2018 Nackenheim, Kühling-Gillot *
89WP 2018 Nierstein, Kühling-Gillot *
89WP 2018 Nierstein, Schätzel *
89WP 2018 Bingen, Bischel *
89WP 2018 Nackenheim, Gunderloch *
89WP 2018 Mölsheim, Battenfeld-Spanier *
89WP 2018 Hohen-Sülzen, Battenfeld-Spanier *
89WP 2018 Niederhausen “vom Schiefer”, Gut Hermannsberg
89WP 2018 Königsbach, Christmann
89WP 2018 Oestrich “Quarzit”, Peter Jakob Kühn
89WP 2018 Bockenau “Schiefergestein”, Schäfer-Fröhlich
89WP 2018 Piesport, Keller
88WP 2018 Ayl “Faß 3”, Lauer
88WP 2018 Lieser “Heldenstück”, Schloß Lieser
88WP 2018 Hallgarten “Rheinschiefer”, Peter Jakob Kühn
88WP 2018 Monzingen “Halgans”, Emrich-Schönleber
88WP 2018 Monzingen “Frühtau”, Emrich-Schönleber
88WP 2018 Bernkastel “Alte Reben”, Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch - Erben Thanisch
88WP 2017 Pünderich “vom roten Schiefer”, Clemens Busch
88WP 2018 Gau-Algesheim “Terra Fusca”, Bischel
88WP 2018 Appenheim, Bischel *
88WP 2018 Hochheim “Mainterrassen”, Künstler
88WP 2018 Schlossböckelheim “vom Volkan”, Gut Hermannsberg
88WP 2018 Gimmeldingen, Müller-Catoir
88WP 2018 Forst, Georg Siben Erben
88WP 2018 Piesport, Haart
88WP 2018 Wiltingen, Van Volxem
88WP 2017 Rüdesheim, Ress
88WP 2018 Ranschbach “Rotliegend”, Kranz
88WP 2017 Pünderich “Nonnengarten”, Clemens Busch
88WP 2017 Pünderich “vom blauen Schiefer”, Clemens Busch
88WP 2018 Deidesheim, von Winning
88WP 2018 Deidesheim “Kalkstein”, Mosbacher
88WP 2018 Forst “Basalt”, Mosbacher
88WP 2018 Deidesheim, Bassermann-Jordan
88WP 2017 Ruppertsberg, Dr. Bürklin-Wolf
88WP 2018 Nierstein, St. Antony *
88WP 2018 Dorsheim, Diel
88WP 2018 Oppenheim, Kühlig-Gillot *
87WP 2018 Winkel “Vom Aueboden”, August Eser
87WP 2018 Brauneberg “Tradition”, Fritz Haag
87WP 2018 Ayl “Faß 4”, Lauer
87WP 2018 Forst, Bassermann-Jordan
87WP 2018 Ruppertsberg, Bassermann-Jordan
87WP 2017 Oestrich, Ress
87WP 2018 Duttweiler “Kalkmergel”, Bergdolt
87WP 2018 Geisenheim “PUR!”, Wegeler
87WP 2018 Ungstein “Kalkstein”, Pfeffingen
87WP 2017 Heimersheim, Nelles
87WP 2018 Lorch, Flick
87WP 2018 Leinsweiler “Concretus”, Siegrist
87WP 2018 Wiltingen, Reichsgraf v. Kesselstadt
87WP 2017 Burrweiler “Schiefer”, Meßmer
87WP 2018 Würzburg, Bürgerspital
87WP 2017 Pünderich “vom grauen Schiefer”, Busch
87WP 2018 Kallstadt “vom Kalkfels”, Rings
87WP 2018 Rüdesheim, Fendel
87WP 2018 Hattenheim, Ress
87WP 2018 Bingen, Prinz Salm *
87WP 2018 Westhofen, Groebe
87WP 2018 Westhoden “Alte Reben”, Groebe *
87WP 2018 Ungstein “SP”, Pfeffingen (Roter Riesling)

Picture: Armin Diel and wife (Schlossgut Diel), Didier Cuvelier (Leoville Poyferre) and Annette Schiller (ombiasy PR and WineTours) at Weingut Wilhlem Weil in Kiedrich, Rheingau


89WP 2018 Hohen-Sülzen “Leopold”, Battenfeld-Spanier
89WP 2018 Nierstein, Schätzel *
88WP 2018 Gau-Algesheim “Terrassen”, Bischel
88WP 2018 Würzburg, Bürgerspital
88WP 2018 Rödelsee, Weltner
88WP 2018 Escherndorf “Muschelkalk”, Rainer Sauer
88WP 2018 Nackenheim “x.t.”, Gunderloch *
87WP 2018 Iphofen, Wirsching
87WP 2018 Retzstadt, May
87WP 2018 Untereisenheim, Schäffer
87WP 2018 Volkach, Zur Schwane
87WP 2018 Escherndorf, Rainer Sauer
87WP 2018 Escherndorf, Fröhlich
87WP 2018 Iphofen, Juliusspital

Picture: In the Old Cellar of Weingut Zur Schwane in Franken with General Manager/ Winemaker Christian Kallisch. See: Tour, Tasting and Dinner at Weingut Zur Schwane in Volkach, Franken, with General Manager/ Winemaker Christian Kallisch - Germany-East Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours


90WP 2017 Malterdinger “Alte Reben”, Huber
89WP 2017 Schweigen, Friedrich Becker
88WP 2018 Oppenheim “R”, Kühling-Gillot
88WP 2018 Godramstein “Kalkmergel”, Münzberg
88WP 2017 Ingelheim “R”, J. Neus
87WP 2017 Ingelheim, J. Neus
87WP 2017 Schweigen “Tonmergel -S-”, Bernhart
87WP 2017 Heimersheim, Deutzerhof
87WP 2017 Godramstein “Kalkmergel”, Münzberg

Pictures: Tasting the Wines of Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling-Gillot at the Spanier Family Home in Hohen-Sülzen and Touring the Winery with Carolin Spanier-Gillot - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours


88WP 2018 Gimmeldingen “Pfarrwingert”, Christmann
88WP 2018 Birkweiler, Dr. Wehrheim
88WP 2018 Godramstein “Kalkgestein”, Münzberg
88WP 2018 Ilbesheim “vom Landschneckenkalk”, Kranz
88WP 2018 Hohen-Sülzen “Louis”, Battenfeld-Spanier
87WP 2018 Haardt, Müller-Catoir
87WP 2018 Ruppertsberg, Bassermann-Jordan
87WP 2016 Oberrotweil “RS”, Salwey
87WP 2018 Schweigen “Kalkmergel”, Bernhart
87WP 2018 Godramstein “Löß-Lehm”, Münzberg
87WP 2018 Kirrweiler “Mineral”, Bergdolt
87WP 2018 Ruppertsberg, Siben Erben
87WP 2018 Hallgarten, Krone

Picture: Tasting at Weingut Münzberg/ Gunter Kessler in Landau-Godramstein, Pfalz, with Owner/ Winemaker Gunter Kessler. See: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Münzberg/ Gunter Kessler in Landau-Godramstein, Pfalz, with Owner/ Winemaker Gunter Kessler - Germany-South and Alsace 2017 Tour by ombiasy WineTours


87WP 2017 Oberrotweil “RS”, Salwey
87WP 2018 Ruppertsberger, Siben Erben


88WP 2018 Iphofen, Weltner
88WP 2018 Ungstein “SP”, Pfeffingen
87WP 2018 Rödelsee, Weltner
87WP 2018 Volkach, Zur Schwane
87WP 2018 Dettelbach, Glaser-Himmelstoß


87WP 2018 Verrenberg, Fürst Hohenlohe-Öhringen
87WP 2018 Haardt, Müller-Catoir


87WP 2018 Escherndorf, Schäffer


87WP 2018 Würzburg, Juliusspital
87WP 2018 Reicholzheim, Schlör

Cuvée Weiß

89WP 2017 Malterdingen, Huber
87WP 2018 Appenheim, Bischel

Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir

90WP 2017 Kallstadt “Vom Kalkfels”, Rings
90WP 2017 Malterdingen “Alte Reben”, Huber
89WP 2014 Rechtenbach, Friedrich Becker
89WP 2014 Schweigen, Friedrich Becker
89WP 2015 Schweigen, Friedrich Becker
89WP 2017 Klingenberg “Alte Reben”, Baltes
89WP 2017 Malterdingen, Huber
89WP 2016 Oberrotweil “RS”, Salwey
88WP 2017 Freinsheim “vom Quarzsand”, Rings
88WP 2017 Oberrotweil “RS”, Salwey
88WP 2016 Nackenheim, Kühling-Gillot
88WP 2016 Ingelheim “Alte Reben”, J. Neus
88WP 2017 Großheubach “Alte Reben”, Baltes
88WP 2015 Bingen, Prinz Salm *
87WP 2018 Retzbach, May
87WP 2017 Kirrweiler “Kalkmergel”, Bergdolt
87WP 2017 Reicholzheim, Schlör
87WP 2017 Gimmeldingen, Christmann
87WP 2016 Bodenheim, Kühling-Gillot
87WP 2017 Neuenahr, Kreuzberg
87WP 2017 Cleebronn “Schilfsandstein”, Dautel
87WP 2016 Ingelheim, J. Neus
87WP 2015 Bingen, Prinz Salm

Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Bernhard Huber in Baden, with Yquem Viehauser and Julian Huber – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)


88WP 2016 Ingelheim, J. Neus

Lemberger / Blaufränkisch

88WP 2017 Bönnigheim “Gipskeuper”, Dautel
87WP 2018 Fellbach “Alte Reben”, Aldinger
87WP 2016 Verrenberg, Fürst Hohenlohe-Öhringen
87WP 2017 Nierstein, St. Antony


88WP 2018 Fellbach “Sine”, Aldinger

Cuvée Rot

87WP 2015 Meissen, “Moritz”, Schloss Proschwitz

Picture: In the Vineyards of Weingut Schloss Proschwitz - Prinz zur Lippe, with Meissen. See: Tour and Dinner at Weingut Schloss Proschwitz - Prinz zur Lippe in Zadel, Sachsen, with Georg Prinz zur Lippe - Germany-East Tour 2017 by ombiasy WineTours

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Tasting at Weingut Bernhard Huber in Baden, with Yquem Viehauser and Julian Huber – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

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