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Wein-Plus - Marcus Hofschuster: Best Collections and Discoveries of the Year (Tasting Season 2017/ 2018)

Picture: Harvest at Weingut A. Christmann, with Steffen Christmann. See: Winery Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)

Marcus Hofschuster is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Taster of Wein-Plus, a leading European on-line wine guide, based in Germany. Marcus Hofschuster is the man behind the reputation that Wein-Plus has gained over the past 2 decades. All wines are tasted blind. Marcus Hofschuster uses the 100 points scale.

Recently, Marcus Hofschuster summarized his tasting results during the past 12 months by releasing a list of "Kollektionen und Entdeckungen des Jahre"/ "Best Collections and Discoveries of the Year" in the 13 German wine regions.

He provided short comments on the winners, which I reposted and translated into English.

Picture: Nico Rechenberg, Dirk Würtz, Weingut Balthasar Ress, Marcus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus, Armin Diel, Schlossgut Diel, Paul Truszkowski, Wine in Black, and Felix Bodman at the GG Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany, 2016. See: Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2015 White and 2014 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany

Collections and Discoveries of the Year (Tasting Season 2017/2018)

Marcus Hofschuster: The "Collection of the Year" title is no longer awarded to the winemaker who produces the best of wines in the region. This has led to many repetitions in the past and both the readers and the producers themselves slowly and understandably lost interest in their recurring titles. Today, we give this award to winemakers who produce at the highest quality level and have duringt the past 12 months attracted our attention with their wine portfolio.

The "Discovery of the Year" is awarded to those wineries that have recently caught our eye in the respective area due to the greatest leap in quality and that we can only recommend to every wine lover who wants to get to know the new, not yet well-known top winegrowers.

The Winners (2017/2018)


Discovery of the Year: Weingut Julia Bertram

Marcus Hofschuster: Ein neuer Stern am Ahr-Himmel. Eleganz, Finesse und Schliff. Von Julia Bertram wird man noch viel hören.

Translation, CS: A new star at the Ahr. Elegance, finesse and cut. You will hear a lot more from Julia Bertram.

Picture: Christian Schiller with Julia Bertram in New York City. See: The 31-Days-of-German-Riesling Concert Cruise Around New York Harbor with the German Wine Queen Julia Bertram and the 3 Wine Amazones Tina Huff, Eva Vollmer and Mirjam Schneider from Mainz, Germany


Collection of the Year: Ziereisen

Marcus Hofschuster: Er machte schon immer alles ein bisschen anders als alle anderen. Inzwischen macht er es besser als die meisten. Weiß wie rot. Die Gutedel sind eine Sensation.

Translation, CS: He always did things a bit differently than everyone else. Meanwhile, he does it better than most. White like red. The Gutedel are a sensation.

Picture: Massive Tasting at Weingut Ziereisen, with Hanspeter and Edeltraud Ziereisen. See: 2 Cellar Tours and 1 Tasting at Weingut Ziereisen in Efringen, Markgräfler Land, Baden, with Hanspeter and Edel Ziereisen - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen

Discovery of the Year: Weingut von und zu Franckenstein

Marcus Hofschuster: Seit Jahren ist das Gut im Aufwind. Inzwischen sind die Weine hier eine Bank. Und nicht die Hinterbank. Leider noch viel zu unbekannt.

Translation, CS: The estate has been on the rise for years. Meanwhile, the wines here are a bank. And not the back seat. Unfortunately far too unknown.


Collection of the Year: Weingut Rainer Sauer

Marcus Hofschuster: Ein absolutes Spitzengut in Franken, um das viel zu wenig Aufhebens gemacht wird. Gut, Sauers tun es ja selbst auch nicht. Es sind eher stille Meister. Tun wir es für sie. Wer von Sauers Silvanern nicht angefixt ist, mag Wein womöglich gar nicht.

Translation, CS: An absolute top producer in Franken that is not as much talked about as it should be. Well, Sauers don#t push either. They are quite masters. Let us do it for them. Who is not overwhelmed by the Silvaners of Sauer perhaps does not like wine at all.

Discovery of the Year: Weingut Weigand

Marcus Hofschuster: Angesichts solchen Nachwuchses fragt man sich, warum Franken mindestens außerhalb Frankens immernoch so einen verschlafenen Ruf hat. Die Weine sind nicht nur erstklassig, sie sind auch völlig eigenständig. Wir sind ein bisschen begeistert.

Translation, CS: Given such brilliant offspring, one wonders why Franken still has such a sleepy reputation, at least outside of Franken. The wines are not only first class, they are also absolutely original. We are a thrilled.


Collection of the Year: Schloss Lieser

Marcus Hofschuster: Brillanz, Spannung, Finesse. Thomas Haags Weine strahlen wie nur wenige sonst. Immer. Inzwischen sind auch die Trockenen großartig.

Translation, CS: Brilliance, excitement, finesse. Thomas Haags wines radiate like few others. Always. Meanwhile, also the dry wines are great.

Picture: Tasting at Weingut Schloss Lieser in Lieser with Owner/ Winemaker Thomas Haag– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016

Discovery of the Year: Fio

Marcus Hofschuster: Die Mosel neu erfunden. Weine, wie man sie hier noch nie gesehen hat. Und die man, einmal probiert, nicht wieder vergisst.

Translation, CS: The Mosel reinvented. Wines that you have never seen here before. And which, once tried, one does not forget.


Collection of the Year: Gut Hermannsberg

Marcus Hofschuster: Eine Wiederauferstehung. Aus einigen der besten Lagen des ganzen Gebietes kommen jetzt auch wieder einige der besten Weine des Landes. Das Gut war schon immer einer der schönsten Flecken der deutschen Weinwelt. Jetzt will man nicht mehr nur wegen der Landschaft, sondern auch wegen der Weine nicht wieder weg.

Translation, CS: A resurrection. From some of the best vineyards in the region now come again some of the best wines in the country. The estate has always been one of the most beautiful spots in the German wine world. Now you do not want to leave because of the landscape, but also because of the wines.

Picture: Tour and Tasting at Weingut Gut Hermannsberg in Niederhausen, Nahe– Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Discovery of the Year: Wein- und Sektgut Bamberger

Marcus Hofschuster: Das Weingut ist lange bekannt, keine Frage, doch was hier in den letzten Jahren passiert ist, sollte unbedingt neu entdeckt werden: erstklassige Weine und einige der besten Sekte des Landes.

Translation, CS: The winery has long been well known, no question, but what has happened here in recent years, should definitely be rediscovered: first-class wines and some of the best Sekts in the country.


Collection of the Year: Christmann

Marcus Hofschuster: Die Umstellung auf Biodynamie beginnt sich auszuzahlen. Präzision, Tiefe und Ausdruckskraft wie noch nie - und da haben wir von der Eleganz noch gar nicht geredet. Die Königsbacher Rieslinge hinterlassen einen fassungslos.

Translation, CS: The switch to biodynamics is beginning to pay off. Precision, depth and expressiveness like never before - and we have not talked about elegance yet. The Königsbach Rieslings leave a stunned.

Picture: Tasting and Discussing with Steffen Christmann, Weingut A. Christmann, Pfalz. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany

Discovery of the Year: Jülg

Marcus Hofschuster: Frankreich ist hier ganz offensichtlich Vorbild. Spätburgunder, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, wie sie in Deutschland in dieser Qualität nurmehr wenig Konkurenz haben. Aber halt, da ist ja auch noch der Riesling! Jülg kann alles.

Translation, CS: France is obviously a role model here. Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, as they have in Germany in this quality only little competition. But wait, there is also the Riesling! Jülg can do everything.

Picture: Wine Lunch at Weingut Jülg with Johannes Jülg– Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)


Collection of the Year: Chat Sauvage

Marcus Hofschuster: Man vergisst das ja oft: der Rheingau war auch schonmal wegen seiner Spätburgunder weltberühmt. Bei Chat Sauvage bekommt man eine Idee davon, warum.

Translation, CS: One often forgets that: the Rheingau was already world-famous because of its Pinot Noir. Chat Sauvage gives you an idea of ​​why.

Picture:  Bourgogne in Riesling Land: Tasting at Chat Sauvage in Johannisberg, Rheingau, with General Manager/ Winemaker Michael Städter– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours

Discovery of the Year: Weingut Diefenhardt

Marcus Hofschuster: Julia Seyffardt weiß, was sie will. Und wie man es macht. Nie waren die Rieslinge hier so gut. Diefenhardt ist auf dem Weg zum absoluten Spitzenbetrieb.

Translation, CS: Julia Seyffardt knows what she wants. And how to do it. The Rieslings have never been so good here. Diefenhardt is on the way to become an absolute top producer.


Collection of the Year: Weingut Wittmann

Marcus Hofschuster: Seit 30 Jahren ist Wittmann eines der stärksten Weingüter im Land. Und Philipp Wittmann dreht immer noch ein bisschen weiter an den Stellschrauben. Hier entstehen Monumente. Manches Gut wäre froh, wenn seine Spitzenweine so gut wären, wie hier schon die Basisqualitäten.

Translation, CS: Wittmann has been one of the strongest producers in the country for 30 years. And Philipp Wittmann still pushes ahead. Monuments are made here. Some producer would be happy if his top wines were as good as the entry-level wines of Philipp Wittmann.

Pictures: Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann, with Annette and Christian Schiller at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf. See: Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf, Germany – Schiller’s Impressions

Discovery of the Year: Weingut Knewitz

Marcus Hofschuster: Eine Neuentdeckung ist Knewitz natürlich nicht. Und dass hier exzellenter Riesling und Silvaner entsteht, ist ja nicht so abwegig, wir sind immerhin in Rheinhessen. Aber diese Burgunder! Chardonnay und Weißburgunder, wie sie in Deutschland nur ganz, ganz Wenige zustande kriegen.

Translation, CS: Of course, Knewitz is not a new discovery. And that here excellent Riesling and Silvaner are made is not so outlandish, after all, we are in Rheinhessen. But these Burgundians! Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc as only very, very few produce in Germany.

Picture: Tobias Knewitz and Christian Schiller. See: Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines– Vinum WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 Awards: The Award Ceremony in Mainz, Germany


Collection of the Year: Weingut Ernst Dautel

Marcus Hofschuster: Manchmal sind es nur noch Kleinigkeiten, die den großen Unterschied machen. Solange wir Dautel kennen, gehört das Gut zur Württemberger Spitze. Doch die Finessen, die die neue Generation gerade aus den Roten inzwischen herauskitzelt, stellen den Betrieb auf eine neue Stufe.

Translation, CS: Sometimes it's just little things that make the big difference. As long as we know Dautel, the estate belongs to Württemberg's top producers. But the subtleties that the new generation is currently tickling out of the reds are taking the estate to a new level.

Picture: Annette Schiller and Christian Dautel. See: Tasting at Weingut Dautel in Württemberg with Christian Dautel - Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Discovery of the Year: Weingut Kistenmacher-Hengerer

Marcus Hofschuster: Einer der Stillen unter den Topwinzern Württembergs und vielleicht auch deswegen immernoch außerhalb des Gebietes weitgehend unentdeckt. Das sollte man dringend nachholen! Hat unter anderem den Ruf des Trollingers fast im Alleingang gerettet.

Translation, CS: One of the more quiet ones among the top winemakers of Württemberg and perhaps for that reason still largely undiscovered outside the area. That needs to change! Has, among other things, almost single-handedly saved the reputation of the Trollinger.

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