Picture: At Weingut Fritz Haag, with Oliver Haag. See: Tasting and Vineyard Walk with Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
The Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 - one of the 5 main wine guides in Germany (along with GaultMillau, Vinum, Feinschmecker and Falstaff) - was released in November 2017.
In the Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2018, Gerhard Eichelmann presents 940 winemakers and reviews 10950 wines. For the rating of the winemakers, he employs a system that awards a winery up to five stars, where 5 stars indicate “world class, top international producers”. There are about 2 dozens of German winemakers in this group and I already posted about the new list, here: Germany's 28 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 201. The wines are assessed using a 50-100 point scale rating system.
Picture: Eichelmann Deutschlands Weine 2018
Pictures: Eichelmann Deutschlands Weine 2018, Feinschmecker WeinGuide 2018, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2018, Vinum WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung with Stuart Pigotts Favorites (Photo: Philipp Wittmann)
Additionally, in each issue of the Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland a (1) Rising Star of the Year as well as the producers of the best collections of (2) red wines, (3) white wines and (4) noble-sweet wines are named. Further, Gerhard Eichelmann presents a “Classic of the Year” Wine and an Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Picture: Gerhard Eichelmann at the VDP.Grosses Gewaechs Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden
Best White Wine Collection: Weingut Kühling-Gillot
18 hectares
75% Riesling, 20% Spätburgunder
„Schon in der ersten Ausgabe des dieses Jahr zum 18. Mal erscheinenden Weinführers wurde das Weingut empfohlen, neun Jahre später wurde das Weingut als Aufsteiger des Jahres ausgezeichnet. Weitere neun Jahre später nun sind die Weine so spannend wie nie, haben weiter an Komplexität und Nachhaltigkeit gewonnen“. – Gerhard Eichelmann
"The winery was already recommended in the first edition of the wine guide, which will be published for the 18th time this year. Nine years later, the winery was awarded the title of "Rising Star of the Year". Another nine years later, the wines are more exciting than ever and have gained more complexity and sustainability."
Picture: Carolin Spanier Gillot and Christian Schiller in Bodenheim at Weingut Kühling-Gillot
Picture: Philipp Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann, and H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling-Gillot, with Annette Schiller in Mainz. See: VDP.Rheinhessen Invited to a Gala Dinner: The World Class Wines of the VDP.Rheinhessen Winemakers and the World Class Food of Philipp Stein (1 Star Michelin, Favorite), with Klaus Peter Keller, Philipp Wittmann, H.O.Spanier, Caroline Gillot-Spanier and Other Rheinhessen Stars
Pictures: At Weingut Kuehling-Gillot. See: The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, Germany
Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling Gillot at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf
Best Red Wine Collection: Benedikt Baltes – Weingut Klingenberg
9,5 hectares
80% Spätburgunder
„2010 hat er das Weingut der Stadt Klingenberg übernommen und in nicht einmal einem Jahrzehnt zu einer der führenden Rotweinadressen in Deutschland gemacht. Er konzentriert sich ganz auf Spätburgunder, erzeugt faszinierend reintönige Weine, die mit Frische und Eleganz punkten.“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"In 2010, he took over the Weingut der Stadt Klingenberg and in less than a decade became one of the leading red wine addresses in Germany. He concentrates entirely on Pinot Noir, producing fascinating pure wines that score with freshness and elegance."
Pictures: Benedikt Baltes and Julia Bertram, Weingut Benedikt Baltes in Klingenberg. See also: The 31-Days-of-German-Riesling Concert Cruise Around New York Harbor with the German Wine Queen Julia Bertram and the 3 Wine Amazones Tina Huff, Eva Vollmer and Mirjam Schneider from Mainz, Germany
Best Fruity-sweet and Noble-sweet Collection: Oliver Haag – Weingut Fritz Haag
19,8 hectares
100% Riesling
„Die Rieslinge von Oliver Haag bestechen durch ihre Eleganz und Reintönigkeit, sie sind frisch und lebendig, filigran und komplex, faszinierend klar und lang: Eine Meisterleistung im für edelsüße Weine schwierigen Jahrgang 2016“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"The Rieslings of Oliver Haag captivate with their elegance and cleanliness, they are fresh and lively, filigree and complex, fascinatingly clear and long: a masterpiece in vintage 2016, which is difficult for noble sweet wines".
Pictures: At Weingut Fritz Haag, with Oliver Haag. See: Tasting and Vineyard Walk with Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Rising Star of the Year: Matthias Gaul – Weingut Gaul
27 hectares
20% Grauburgunder, 20% Riesling, 15% Spätburgunder, 10% Merlot, 10% Sauvignon Blanc
„Seit Jahren verfolgen wir mit großer Aufmerksamkeit die Entwicklungen bei Matthias Gaul, wie er an Details feilt und Jahr für Jahr immer eigenständigere, immer feinere Weine erzeugt. Nicht nur mit Rieslingen und Spätburgunder sorgt er für Furore, auch mit Sorten wie Tempranillo oder Cabernet Franc“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"For years, we have been paying close attention to the developments at Matthias Gaul, as he refines details and, year after year, produces ever more independent, ever finer wines. Not only with Riesling and Pinot Noir he caused a sensation, even with varieties such as Tempranillo or Cabernet Franc".
Klassiker des Jahres/ Classic of the Year: Forster Ungeheuer GG Weingut Mosbacher
„Einen schöneren Lagennamen findet man schwerlich – und in dieser Lage wachsen Rieslinge von großer Klasse und faszinierender Langlebigkeit“, lobt Gerhard Eichelmann.
"You can hardly find a more beautiful name for a site - and in this location grow Rieslings of great class and fascinating longevity".
Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement: Hermann Dörflinger – Weingut Dörflinger
20 hectares
Der Ehrenpreis für das Lebenswerk, wird in diesem Jahr an Hermann Dörflinger aus Müllheim im Markgräflerland vergeben. 1973 hat Hermann Dörflinger den elterlichen Betrieb übernommen. Er hat von Anfang an auf durchgegorene Weine gesetzt, zu einer Zeit als badischer und deutscher Wein noch durch und durch süß war. „Die durchgegorenen Weine von Hermann Dörflinger gehören Jahr für Jahr zu den besten in Baden. Dem Gutedel gilt seine besondere Aufmerksamkeit, schon der einfachste Wein bereitet immer viel Freude, ist glasklar und präzise wie alle Weine im Sortiment“; so die Begründung der Redaktion des Eichelmann 2018.
The honorary prize for the life's work will be awarded this year to Hermann Dörflinger from Müllheim in Markgräflerland. Hermann Dörflinger took over his parents' business in 1973. From the very beginning, he has relied on fully fermented (bone-dry) wines, at a time when Baden and German wine were still thoroughly sweet. "The bone-dry wines of Hermann Dörflinger belong year after year to the best in Baden. The Gutedel is close to his heart. Even the most basic wine always generates a lot of joy, is crystal clear and precise as all wines in Dörflinger portfolio.
Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland
For previous years, see:
Germany's 27 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2017
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2017 Awards, Germany
Germany's 28 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2016
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards, Germany
Germany's Top 27 Winemakers: 5 out of 5 Grapes - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2015 Awards, Germany
Germany’s 26 Top Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2014
Best German Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2014 Awards, Germany
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2013 Awards, Germany
Best German Wines - Eichelmann Wine Guide 2012 Awards, Germany
Wine ratings: German wine --- Eichelmann 2010 (Awards)
schiller-wine: Related Postings
Ombiasy Wine Tours 2018: 3 x France and 3 x Germany - Ombiasy Newsletter December 2017
VDP.Rheinhessen Invited to a Gala Dinner: The World Class Wines of the VDP.Rheinhessen Winemakers and the World Class Food of Philipp Stein (1 Star Michelin, Favorite), with Klaus Peter Keller, Philipp Wittmann, H.O.Spanier, Caroline Gillot-Spanier and Other Rheinhessen Stars
Tasting and Vineyard Walk with Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, Germany
The 31-Days-of-German-Riesling Concert Cruise Around New York Harbor with the German Wine Queen Julia Bertram and the 3 Wine Amazones Tina Huff, Eva Vollmer and Mirjam Schneider from Mainz, Germany
The Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 - one of the 5 main wine guides in Germany (along with GaultMillau, Vinum, Feinschmecker and Falstaff) - was released in November 2017.
In the Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2018, Gerhard Eichelmann presents 940 winemakers and reviews 10950 wines. For the rating of the winemakers, he employs a system that awards a winery up to five stars, where 5 stars indicate “world class, top international producers”. There are about 2 dozens of German winemakers in this group and I already posted about the new list, here: Germany's 28 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 201. The wines are assessed using a 50-100 point scale rating system.
Picture: Eichelmann Deutschlands Weine 2018
Pictures: Eichelmann Deutschlands Weine 2018, Feinschmecker WeinGuide 2018, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2018, Vinum WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung with Stuart Pigotts Favorites (Photo: Philipp Wittmann)
Additionally, in each issue of the Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland a (1) Rising Star of the Year as well as the producers of the best collections of (2) red wines, (3) white wines and (4) noble-sweet wines are named. Further, Gerhard Eichelmann presents a “Classic of the Year” Wine and an Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Picture: Gerhard Eichelmann at the VDP.Grosses Gewaechs Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden
Best White Wine Collection: Weingut Kühling-Gillot
18 hectares
75% Riesling, 20% Spätburgunder
„Schon in der ersten Ausgabe des dieses Jahr zum 18. Mal erscheinenden Weinführers wurde das Weingut empfohlen, neun Jahre später wurde das Weingut als Aufsteiger des Jahres ausgezeichnet. Weitere neun Jahre später nun sind die Weine so spannend wie nie, haben weiter an Komplexität und Nachhaltigkeit gewonnen“. – Gerhard Eichelmann
"The winery was already recommended in the first edition of the wine guide, which will be published for the 18th time this year. Nine years later, the winery was awarded the title of "Rising Star of the Year". Another nine years later, the wines are more exciting than ever and have gained more complexity and sustainability."
Picture: Philipp Wittmann, Weingut Wittmann, and H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling-Gillot, with Annette Schiller in Mainz. See: VDP.Rheinhessen Invited to a Gala Dinner: The World Class Wines of the VDP.Rheinhessen Winemakers and the World Class Food of Philipp Stein (1 Star Michelin, Favorite), with Klaus Peter Keller, Philipp Wittmann, H.O.Spanier, Caroline Gillot-Spanier and Other Rheinhessen Stars
Pictures: At Weingut Kuehling-Gillot. See: The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, Germany
Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with H.O. Spanier, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling Gillot at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf
Best Red Wine Collection: Benedikt Baltes – Weingut Klingenberg
9,5 hectares
80% Spätburgunder
„2010 hat er das Weingut der Stadt Klingenberg übernommen und in nicht einmal einem Jahrzehnt zu einer der führenden Rotweinadressen in Deutschland gemacht. Er konzentriert sich ganz auf Spätburgunder, erzeugt faszinierend reintönige Weine, die mit Frische und Eleganz punkten.“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"In 2010, he took over the Weingut der Stadt Klingenberg and in less than a decade became one of the leading red wine addresses in Germany. He concentrates entirely on Pinot Noir, producing fascinating pure wines that score with freshness and elegance."
Pictures: Benedikt Baltes and Julia Bertram, Weingut Benedikt Baltes in Klingenberg. See also: The 31-Days-of-German-Riesling Concert Cruise Around New York Harbor with the German Wine Queen Julia Bertram and the 3 Wine Amazones Tina Huff, Eva Vollmer and Mirjam Schneider from Mainz, Germany
Best Fruity-sweet and Noble-sweet Collection: Oliver Haag – Weingut Fritz Haag
19,8 hectares
100% Riesling
„Die Rieslinge von Oliver Haag bestechen durch ihre Eleganz und Reintönigkeit, sie sind frisch und lebendig, filigran und komplex, faszinierend klar und lang: Eine Meisterleistung im für edelsüße Weine schwierigen Jahrgang 2016“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"The Rieslings of Oliver Haag captivate with their elegance and cleanliness, they are fresh and lively, filigree and complex, fascinatingly clear and long: a masterpiece in vintage 2016, which is difficult for noble sweet wines".
Pictures: At Weingut Fritz Haag, with Oliver Haag. See: Tasting and Vineyard Walk with Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Rising Star of the Year: Matthias Gaul – Weingut Gaul
27 hectares
20% Grauburgunder, 20% Riesling, 15% Spätburgunder, 10% Merlot, 10% Sauvignon Blanc
„Seit Jahren verfolgen wir mit großer Aufmerksamkeit die Entwicklungen bei Matthias Gaul, wie er an Details feilt und Jahr für Jahr immer eigenständigere, immer feinere Weine erzeugt. Nicht nur mit Rieslingen und Spätburgunder sorgt er für Furore, auch mit Sorten wie Tempranillo oder Cabernet Franc“ – Gerhard Eichelmann
"For years, we have been paying close attention to the developments at Matthias Gaul, as he refines details and, year after year, produces ever more independent, ever finer wines. Not only with Riesling and Pinot Noir he caused a sensation, even with varieties such as Tempranillo or Cabernet Franc".
Klassiker des Jahres/ Classic of the Year: Forster Ungeheuer GG Weingut Mosbacher
„Einen schöneren Lagennamen findet man schwerlich – und in dieser Lage wachsen Rieslinge von großer Klasse und faszinierender Langlebigkeit“, lobt Gerhard Eichelmann.
"You can hardly find a more beautiful name for a site - and in this location grow Rieslings of great class and fascinating longevity".
Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement: Hermann Dörflinger – Weingut Dörflinger
20 hectares
Der Ehrenpreis für das Lebenswerk, wird in diesem Jahr an Hermann Dörflinger aus Müllheim im Markgräflerland vergeben. 1973 hat Hermann Dörflinger den elterlichen Betrieb übernommen. Er hat von Anfang an auf durchgegorene Weine gesetzt, zu einer Zeit als badischer und deutscher Wein noch durch und durch süß war. „Die durchgegorenen Weine von Hermann Dörflinger gehören Jahr für Jahr zu den besten in Baden. Dem Gutedel gilt seine besondere Aufmerksamkeit, schon der einfachste Wein bereitet immer viel Freude, ist glasklar und präzise wie alle Weine im Sortiment“; so die Begründung der Redaktion des Eichelmann 2018.
The honorary prize for the life's work will be awarded this year to Hermann Dörflinger from Müllheim in Markgräflerland. Hermann Dörflinger took over his parents' business in 1973. From the very beginning, he has relied on fully fermented (bone-dry) wines, at a time when Baden and German wine were still thoroughly sweet. "The bone-dry wines of Hermann Dörflinger belong year after year to the best in Baden. The Gutedel is close to his heart. Even the most basic wine always generates a lot of joy, is crystal clear and precise as all wines in Dörflinger portfolio.
Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland
For previous years, see:
Germany's 27 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2017
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2017 Awards, Germany
Germany's 28 Best Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2016
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2016 Awards, Germany
Germany's Top 27 Winemakers: 5 out of 5 Grapes - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2015 Awards, Germany
Germany’s 26 Top Winemakers - Eichelmann WeinGuide Deutschland 2014
Best German Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2014 Awards, Germany
Best German Wines and Winemakers – Eichelmann Wine Guide Deutschland 2013 Awards, Germany
Best German Wines - Eichelmann Wine Guide 2012 Awards, Germany
Wine ratings: German wine --- Eichelmann 2010 (Awards)
schiller-wine: Related Postings
Ombiasy Wine Tours 2018: 3 x France and 3 x Germany - Ombiasy Newsletter December 2017
VDP.Rheinhessen Invited to a Gala Dinner: The World Class Wines of the VDP.Rheinhessen Winemakers and the World Class Food of Philipp Stein (1 Star Michelin, Favorite), with Klaus Peter Keller, Philipp Wittmann, H.O.Spanier, Caroline Gillot-Spanier and Other Rheinhessen Stars
Tasting and Vineyard Walk with Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag– Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, Germany
The 31-Days-of-German-Riesling Concert Cruise Around New York Harbor with the German Wine Queen Julia Bertram and the 3 Wine Amazones Tina Huff, Eva Vollmer and Mirjam Schneider from Mainz, Germany