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The 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA: Seen Through Christian Schiller's Camera Lens

Picture: Annette and Christian Schiller at the 2017 American Wine Society (AWS) National Conference in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA

Annette Schiller, member of the AWS, led 3 well-attended tastings focusing on the wines of Germany, Bourgogne and Alsace. Annette and Christian Schiller poured 5 German wines from VDP producers (the association of about 200 elite winemakers in Germany) at the Showcase of Wines walk-around tasting.

The 2017 American Wine Society (AWS) National Conference took place on Thursday, November 2 to Saturday, November 4, 2017, at the Kalahari Resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania.

Close to 800 AWS members from all over the USA came to this 3-day event, filled with tastings, seminars and presentations. Prominent winemakers included: Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, and Frederick, Meaghan and Maryclaire Frank, Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars.

Picture: Arriving at the Kalahari Resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA

Thursday was the day of wine judging. There were full-day courses for those who want to become a certified AWS Wine Judge. This is a 3-year program. Also, the Amateur and Commercial Wine Competitions took place on Thursday.

Pictures: Delivering the Wines for Annette's Tastings at the Storage Room

Friday and Saturday was filled with about 50 wine seminars, led by winery owners, wine educators, and renowned winemakers. The breakfasts, lunches, dinners and after-dinner gatherings provided ample opportunities to network with other AWS members.

There was a pre-conference trip, in which Annette and I did not participate.

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This is the first in a series of postings related to the American Wine Society National Conference 2017 at the Kalahari Resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania:

The 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA: Seen Through Christian Schiller's Camera Lens

VDP at AWS: Tasting Premium German Wines at the Showcase of Wines of the 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, with Annette and Christian Schiller

German Wines in the 21st Century - Seminar at the 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, led by Annette Schiller

A Journey through the Vineyards of Alsace - Seminar at the 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, led by Annette Schiller

Burgundy: What makes it so special? - Seminar at the 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, led by Annette Schiller

For last year's conference in California, see:

The 2016 American Wine Society National Conference in California, USA: Seen Through Christian Schiller's Camera Lens
The New Germany: Red, Sparkling and Dry - Tasting at the American Wine Society 2016 National Conference in Los Angeles, USA, led by Annette Schiller
The New Classification of German Wines: The VDP Classification - Annette Schiller Conducting a Seminar at the 2016 National Convention of the American Wine Society in Los Angeles, USA

Pictures: The 2017 American Wine Society National Conference in in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, USA

The American Wine Society

The American Wine Society was founded in 1967 as a non-profit, educational, consumer-oriented organization for those interested in learning more about all aspects of wine. On October 7, 1967, around 200 grape growers, home winemakers, and wine lovers gathered at Dr. Konstantin Frank’s vineyard on Keuka Lake near Hammondsport, NY for the AWS’ initial meeting.

In December of the same year, the thirteen charter members, led by Founder Dr. Konstantin Frank, met to determine the organization structure of AWS and elect officers. Now in its 49th year, the American Wine Society is the largest consumer based wine education organization in North America. Membership is open to anyone interested in wine and over 21 years of age.

In the early days, AWS members were located primarily in the eastern part of the country. As the society grew , we established chapters throughout the eastern U.S., then into the south and Midwest, and finally into western states. Today, the American Wine Society has over 7,000 members in 45 states and 120 chapters across the U.S.

Each November the Society hosts a three-day national conference with two full days of educational seminars. Winery owners, wine educators, and renowned winemakers are selected to present sessions during this national event. In addition, a program educating members to become AWS certified wine judges is conducted on the day preceding the seminars.

The 2017 American Wine Society National Conference

Thursday, November 2

7:00 am to 5:00 pm: Wine Judge Certification Programs Year 1 + 2 + 3

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: 50th Anniversary Reception

Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with  Frederick and Maryclaire Frank, Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars, Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, and David Falchek, Executive Director of the American Wine Society

9:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner sponsored by Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars

Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller, Marlene RedDoor, Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, Frederick, Meaghan and Maryclaire Frank, Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars

10:30 pm to 12:00 pm: Hospitality Suite

Pictures: More Wine

Friday, November 3

7:30 am to 8:45 pm: Sparkling Wine Breakfast

8:45 am to 6:00 pm: Exhibits

One of the about 15 booths was Annette Schiller's ombiasyPR & WineTours booth, where Annette presented her 2018 wine tours to Germany (East, South, North) and France (Bordeaux, Bourgogne, Rhone).

Pictures: The Booth of ombiasyPR & WineTours with Annette Schiller

9:00 am to 10:15 am 7 Morning Sessions (A)

A Journey through the Vineyards of Alsace (A4)

Presenter: Annette Schiller, Owner, Ombiasy PR & Wine Tours

Alsace, where the vineyards are concentrated in a narrow strip between the Vosges Mountains in the west and the Rhine River in the east, is one of the most picturesque wineregion on the planet. As we travel from south to north along the Alsatian wine trail we learn about the appellations, the predominant grape varietals, the many different terroirs, and the history. History has an important influence on the style of the Alsatian wines, since nationality has passed from Germany to France and vice versa several times throughout the centuries, and each country left its mark.

Annette poured 6 wines.

2014 Crément d’Alsace, Bru Natur, Dirler-Cadé
2015 Muscat, Zind-Humbrecht
2015 Gentil, Hugel&Fils
2009 Riesling Cuvée Frédéric Emile, Maison Trimbach
2013 Pinot Gris Réserve, Maison Trimbach
2010 Gewürztraminer Grosse Laüe, Hugel&Fils

120 people attended Annette's seminar. 160 people had signed up but attendace had to be limited to 120 people because of the number of bottles available for pouring.

Annette Schiller: I could not have held the seminar without the generous support of my wine sponsors. I thank all of them very much for their donations which were instrumental to the great success of the presentation. The sponsors:

Domaine Dirler-Cadé:
- 2014 Crémant d’Alsace, Brut Natur
Hugel & Fils:
- 2015 Gentil
- 2010 Gewürztraminer, Grossi Laüe
Maison Trimbach:
- 2013 Pinot Gris « Réserve »
- 2009 Riesling « Cuvée Frédéric Emile »
Kobrand Wine & Spirits, New York:
- 2015 Muscat, Zind-Humbrecht

Pictures: A Journey through the Vineyards of Alsace

11:00 am to 12:15 pm 7 Morning Sessions (B)

12:30 pm to 2:15 pm: Luncheon & Business Meeting sponsored by Kobrand Wine & Spirits

Pictures: Christian Schiller with Tony Lawrence (Conference Menu) and Michael Broadbent, Broadbent Selections

2:30 pm to 3:45 pm 7 Afternoon Sessions (C)

German Wines in the 21st Century (C5)

Presenter: Annette Schiller, Owner, Ombiasy PR & Wine Tours

This presentation showed the shift from sweet to dry white wines, and from white to red wines due to climate change, and the profound knowledge of the new generation of vineyard managers and cellar masters. Another shift can be observed in determining the quality of the wine, from sugar content at point of harvest to the terroir principle. Since 2012 the VDP (Association of Premium German Wine Estates) has implemented a four-tier system that is based on the principle that the vineyard site is the quality criterion. The goal is to enhance the value of Germany’s finest vineyard sites as an integral part of a unique viticultural landscape.

Annette poured 6 wines.


2013 Pinot Noir, Gutswein, August Kessler, Rheingau
2016 Lemberger, Bunter Mergel, Gutswein, Karl Haidle, Württemberg


2015 Riesling, Gutswein, von Hövel, Mosel
2016 Silvaner, Escherndorfer Lump, Ortswein, Horst Sauer, Franken
2015 Grauburgunder, Ihriger Winkelberg, 1. Lage, Dr. Heger, Baden
2014 Weissburgunder, Hohe Gräte, Grosse Lage, GG, Lützkendorf, Saale-Unstrut

90 people attended Annette's seminar, including  Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, and Frederick and Maryclaire Frank, Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars.

Annette Schiller: I could not have held the seminar without the generous support of my wine sponsors. I thank all of them very much for their donations which were instrumental to the great success of the presentation. The sponsors:

Weingut Horst Sauer:
- 2016 Silvaner, Escherndorfer Lump
Weingut Lützkendorf:
- 2014 Weissburgunder, Hohe Gräte, Grosses Gewächs
Weingut August Kesseler:
- 2013 Pinot Noir
Schatzi Wines Import, New York:
- 2016 Lemberger, Bunter Mergel, Weingut Karl Haidle
- 2015 Riesling, Saar, Weingut von Hövel
- 2015 Grauburgunder, Ihringer Winkelberg, Erste Lage, Weingut Dr. Heger

Pictures: German Wines in the 21st Century, with Annette Schiller and Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, and Frederick and Maryclaire Frank, Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars, among the Participants

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm: Showcase of Wines

The AWS had invited the guests to dress up in the 1960s, flower power style. There were about 40 tables.

VDP - Wines of Germany Table (Annette and Christian Schiller)

Annette and Christian Schiller presented 5 German wines, 4 whites and 1 red wine. All wines were from VDP producers, the association of about 200 elite winemakers in Germany:

2015 Weingut Markgraf von Baden, Bermatinger Spätburgunder, Baden
2015 Weingut Robert Weil, Rheingau Riesling trocken
2014 Weingut Robert Weil, Kiedricher Riesling trocken
2014 Weingut Fritz Haag, Mosel Riesling trocken
2014 Weingut Maximin Grünhaus, Grünhäuser Riesling trocken

Annette and Christian Schiller: We could not have poured the German wines without the generous support of 2 wine sponsors. We thank both of them very much for their donations which were instrumental to the great success of the presentation. We also would like to thank the VDP, the association of about 200 German elite winemakers. The sponsors:

Esprit du Vin Fine Wine Merchants:
- 2015 Weingut Markgraf von Baden, Bermatinger Spätburgunder, Baden
Loosen Bros. USA Import:
- 2015 Weingut Robert Weil, Rheingau Riesling trocken
- 2014 Weingut Robert Weil, Kiedricher Riesling trocken
- 2014 Weingut Fritz Haag, Mosel Riesling trocken
- 2014 Weingut Maximin Grünhaus, Grünhäuser Riesling trocken

Pictures: The VDP Booth of Annette and Christian Schiller, with Diane Meyer, Conference Chairperson, Joel Peterson, the Godfather of Zinfandel and Founder of Ravenswood Winery, Paul Wagner, Founder, Balzac Communications&Marketing, and David Falchek, Executive Director of the American Wine Society

10:00 pm to 12:00 pm: Hospitality Suite

Pictures: More Wine

Saturday, November 4

7:30 am to 8:45 pm: Breakfast and AWSEF Annual Meeting

8:45 am to 6:00 pm: Exhibits

Pictures: The ombiasyPR & WineTours Booth

9:00am to 10:15am 7 Morning Sessions (D)

11:00am to 12:15pm 7 Morning Sessions (E)

Burgundy: What makes it so special? (E2)

Presenter: Annette Schiller, Owner, Ombiasy PR & Wine Tours

Burgundy is one of the world’s best-known wine regions, but perhaps one of the least understood. Burgundy is the most terroir-oriented region in France. Immense attention is paid to the area of origin with a specific vineyard or region bearing a given classification, regardless of the owner or producer. This presentation will explore the five core appellations, the importance of history for wine making in Burgundy, and the superior position of the Grand Cru white and red wines of Burgundy in the world of wine.

Annette poured 6 wines.


2015 Chablis, Saint Claire, Jean-Marc Brocard
2015 Pouilly Vinzelles, Mâconnais, Joseph Drouhin


2013 Coteaux Bourguignons, Cuvée Terroir, Maison Roche de Bellene
2015 Mercurey, La Framboisière, Côte Chalonnaise, Domaine Faiveley
2013 Volnay, Côte de Beaune, Nicolas Rossignol
2013 Volnay, 1er Cru, Côte de Beaune, Nicolas Rossignol

120 people attended Annette's seminar. 180 people had signed up but attendace had to be limited to 120 people because of the number of bottles available for pouring.

Annette Schiller: I could not have held the seminar without the generous support of my wine sponsors. I thank all of them very much for their donations which were instrumental to the great success of the presentation. The sponsors:

Domaine Jean-Marc Brocard:
- 2015 Chablis, Saint Claire
Maison Joseph Drouhin:
- 2015 Pouilly Vinzelles, Mâconnais
Loosen Bros. USA Import:
- 2013 Coteaux Bourguignons, Cuvée Terroir, Maison Roche de Bellene
Domaine Faiveley:
- 2015 Mercurey, La Framboisière, Côte Chalonnaise
Domaine Nicolas Rossignol:
- 2013 Volnay, Côte de Beaune
- 2013 Volnay, 1er Cru, Chevret, Côte de Beaune

Pictures: Burgundy: What makes it so special?

12:30 pm to 2:30 pm: Awards Luncheon

Pictures: Awards Luncheon

2:30 pm to 3:45pm 7 Afternoon Sessions (F)

4:30 pm to 5:45 pm 7 Afternoon Sessions (G)

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm: Grand Banquet

For the Grand Banquet, people also brought their own wines. We brought, inter alia, some left-overs from Annette's Burgundy seminar, including the 2013 Volnay, 1er Cru, Côte de Beaune, Nicolas Rossignol. At their neighboring table they were pouring a 1987 Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon from Magnum.

Pictures: Grand Banquet

10:00 pm to 12:00 pm: Music, Dancing and Hospitality Suite

Pictures: More Wine

10:00 pm to 12:00 pm: After-Parties in Private Suites

There were also after-parties in private suites. We were invited to the one by the Las Vegas AWS Chapter.

Pictures: The Las Vegas Suite

Next Year: Buffalo New York State

The 2018 American Wine Society National Conference will take place in Buffalo, New York State.

Picture: Next Year: Buffalo New York

schiller-wine: Related Postings

The 2016 American Wine Society National Conference in California, USA: Seen Through Christian Schiller's Camera Lens

The New Germany: Red, Sparkling and Dry - Tasting at the American Wine Society 2016 National Conference in Los Angeles, USA, led by Annette Schiller

The New Classification of German Wines: The VDP Classification - Annette Schiller Conducting a Seminar at the 2016 National Convention of the American Wine Society in Los Angeles, USA

Germany-South and Alsace 2017 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: Baden, Alsace, Pfalz and Rheinhessen

Germany-North Tour 2017 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential German Riesling and the Northernmost Pinot Noir

Germany-East Tour 2017 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture and History

Total Immersion in Bordeaux: World Class Wines and Exquisite French Gourmet Cuisine - Bordeaux Tour 2017 by ombiasy WineTours, France  

Burgundy (and Champagne) 2016 Tour by ombiasy WineTours: From Lyon to Reims - Wine, Food, Culture and History

Vinyard Tour, Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Horst Sauer in Eschendorf, Franken, with Horst Sauer– Germany-East Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours

At Maison Trimbach in Alsace with Hubert Trimbach – Germany-South Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)

Wine Pairing Lunch, Cellar Visit, Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Domaine Jean­ Marc Brocard in Préhy, Chablis– Bourgogne (and Champagne) Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours, France

Wine Tasting at Weingut Dr. Loosen in Bernkastel-Kues, Mosel – Germany-North by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Tasting at Weingut Uwe Lützkendorf, with Uwe Lützkendorf, in Bad Kösen, Saale-Unstrut – Germany-East Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours 

Best Value of Bordeaux Tasting with Annette Schiller at the American Wine Society, USA/ France

A Visit of the Vineyards of Alsace– Presented by Annette Schiller at the John Marshall Chapter of the American Wine Society, USA/ France

Germany meets France: Bourgogne, Baden, Alsace and Pfalz - Tasting with the German Wine Society (Washington DC Chapter), led by Annette Schiller, USA/ France/ Germany

Chardonnay: Germany versus Chablis - Salon Tasting at Schiller's Home, USA

The New Germany – Red, Dry, Sparkling: German Wine Society Tasting, led by Annette Schiller, at Restaurant Old Europe in Washington DC

New Developments in German Wine - Annette Schiller at the German Wine Society in Washington DC, USA

Steffen Christmann (Weingut A. Christmann) and Wilhelm Weil (Weingut Robert Weil) Presented the New Wine Classification of the VDP, Germany

Approaches to Classifying German Wine: The Standard Approach (the Law of 1971), the VDP Approach and the Zero Classification Approach

New Developments in German Wine - Annette Schiller at the German Wine Society in Philadelphia, USA

Salon Tasting at Schiller's Home: Sparkling Wines of the World

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